A New Life Series - Starter Kit Page 10
She drew a spider and a scorpion next to the flower. “Those on the outside are the ones who work around The Organization, because in the end, there are lots of flowers in the world, and they all need protecting. The ones outside The Organization are larger insects, predators like the Dragons or scorpions, or spiders. When the flower thinks it’s being attacked, it calls these predators to come and defend it and take the intruder away to destroy it away from operation.”
“That’s what happened to Brad. When The Organization suspected him as a Fed, they contacted Eddie, who picked him up, and he rode with us for a couple of weeks. Eddie told me the guy was trouble, and that we were going to eliminate him. He told me that he was a Fed and must be dealt with.”
Tori's lip began to quiver as she spoke. “In those couple of weeks, I thought about warning Brad about what was coming and telling him I wanted to be rescued from the Dragons, but I didn't. I only waited to see what would happen.”
“When we arrived at the Holiday Inn, we took three rooms, Eddie and Red each took a room and Brad took one located away from them. This was my test, and if I passed I would earn my mark.” To explain, Tori raised her sleeve above her right shoulder to expose the small black Dragon tattoo on the back side. All full members of the group had a similar marking to identify them. Earning a mark was sacred.
“Eddie had been training me since we left the bush camp, often by taking people to use for that purpose. We left a trail of bodies from Columbia, through Panama, and up into Texas. He taught me to hunt men like they were animals, and Brad would be my first solo kill. If the hunt were successful, I would earn the mark. If it were not, I would be punished, and the training would continue.”
“I went with Brad to his room. He did not know our true purpose, and accepted that we were part of The Organization. He thought he was getting closer to the center of the flower, not realizing he was being led away from it instead. He took me the same as he had seen Eddie and the others do, thinking Eddie had given him a night with me as a prize for something he had accomplished within the group. He gave me a scar with a cigarette, here inside my left leg.” Tori indicated where the scar lay beneath the cloth of her hospital wardrobe.
“Afterwards, I lay on the bed with him. I was naked, and I thought about whispering to him in the dark, telling him to run, to get help, or to get away. In the end, I let him fall asleep, and then I used my knife to do my secret job, the one no one but the Dragons knew was mine. Afterwards, I left him lying there, his blood soaking into the sheets and I washed myself in his shower. Then I got dressed, and I headed back to the Dragons, who would be waiting for me in their rooms.”
Her face grew stony as she finished, “When I left the room, David and Chris were watching outside, and had been monitoring the room. If I had let your friend go, they would have caught him and killed him, and I would have been punished. They checked the room to be sure the job had been done, and we left, headed out of town that same night. I was allowed to get my mark a few days later. Afterwards, I was given targets regularly, and I never missed. If Eddie gave the word, I put you in the ground.”
“You always killed people under orders?” Eli asked, trying to remain calm.
“I killed the Dragons because I wanted to. The time had come for them to die. Before that, I never did anything without orders.” Tori raised her right hand to her left breast and touched her scar out of habit.
Eli wondered how long she would continue to do that, as she clearly had not even realized she had made the move or that others would notice the action. Smoothing his dark hair with his hand, he considered what he should say next.
The pause grew long, and she finally asked if he would like to hear about the night the Dragons got theirs, and he reluctantly agreed. She excused herself to the bathroom to wash her face and organize her thoughts before she continued.
When she returned, Eli did not look up from his chair, his face in his hands as he tried to wrap his head around what he had heard. He had wanted to locate Brad's killer ever since his body had been found. Now that he knew his friend and partner had died at Tori's hand, he was heartbroken.
Sensing Eli's anguish, she knelt on the floor in front of him, placing her hands on his knees and gazing at him from underneath. Eli removed his hands from his face and stared down at her large innocent eyes.
Tori was such an odd combination of light and dark, having seen and experienced the worst in men, yet not knowing about the simplest parts of life most of us take for granted. Reaching out, he rested his hand on her cheek, tracing the lower line of her scar with his thumb.
Finally, he inhaled loudly, “Tell me about this, instead. You said Eddie gave it to you to keep people away. What did you mean by that?”
Laying her hand on his, she thought for a moment. Then she began to explain about the strange man who had caused her to earn the gruesome lines that marred the left side of her face.
“It was sometime between leaving the bush and earning my mark. Henry had been working to regain his position, and when Eddie said he had a special job that would need a man long term from outside our group, Henry told him he had the right man for the job. He contacted a guy by the name of Michael Anderson, who met up with us and rode with us for a couple of days…”
Tori suspected that Henry and Michael were somehow related, because they looked very much alike. They each had the same sandy brown hair and deep brown eyes. Coming into the group as a visitor, he watched her, but did not partake of her, and she sensed his distaste at her carousing with the crew, as if his sullen mahogany eyes were judging her in disdain.
Even though she suspected he did not approve of her, she felt him watching her often, and this made her uncomfortable. Eddie would be jealous if she showed interest in other men and that would mean trouble. Therefore, she did her best to avoid him.
After a few days, the group made a stop at a small motel, and Eddie offered Tori to Henry’s friend for the night, telling him to enjoy himself, however he liked. Now she would find out what kind of man he really was, as she had become mildly curious about the tall, dark stranger.
Unfortunately, Red insisted he needed some first, and then Michael could have what was left. Inwardly, Tori had groaned at the news, as Red liked to torture her while he fucked her by hitting, pinching, and pulling her hair. Many of the scars she carried were from Red, so Tori downed a fifth of Smirnoff Silver before they went to the room. She had found that a good drink always helped her do what she had to do, as saying yes hurt far less than saying no.
The three of them entered the room, Michael leading the way. Tori followed him, with Red bringing up the rear. As soon as he shut the door, Red punched her in the back, knocking her to the floor. Michael seemed taken completely off guard, and appearing to be a true gentleman, reached to help her, obviously disturbed.
Tori quickly gripped his arm, and as they stood, she looked him in the eye. Pushing him back, she guided him towards an overstuffed chair that sat in the corner of the room. He can’t interfere; her mind raced. Red won’t stand for that.
Shushing him, she told him to sit quiet and watch, but not to say or do anything, or there would be trouble. Leaning over him, she gave him a light kiss on his lips as she stroked the nape of his neck and ran her fingers through his hair. He smelled nice, and she had wished Red had let them be alone together, memories of her one night with Henry briefly flashing through her mind.
Not one for waiting, the group’s second lurched forward, clenching a hand full of her hair and pulling her back towards the bed. He released her, and then slipped his hands around her waist from behind. His hands followed her front up to her breasts, cupping them gingerly for a moment, and then squeezing them so tightly that she winced in pain.
Michael folded his hands in front of his face, interlocking the digits, and allowed his index fingers to tap anxiously on his lips. Tori began to rub Red's hands to relax him and ease his strangle hold on her bruised chest. He slipped them back down to her waist, a
nd she twisted free. It was show time, and she needed to get into the groove of the role she must play.
Tori began to remove her clothing, kicking off her boots and sailing them towards the dresser next to her pack, while unbuttoning her pants. She pulled and lowered them, wiggling her rear end to work them down, and Red stepped back to watch. When she pulled her shirt over her head, she drew her hair through it and tossed it around with exaggerated motion. Bent over as she unhooked her bra, she slid the straps down her arms and threw it onto the growing pile of garments.
Red sidled back towards her, this time standing in front so he could grasp her rear end and pull her body hard against his. Licking and nipping at her face and neck, he slipped his hands down into her panties and began to stroke the crack of her rear, continuing to push against her until he was fully aroused. He stepped back and grasped the button on his pants; pulling them open and unzipping them with one hand, then pushed them down just a bit. Reaching into his pants, he grasped his manhood and lifted it out, stroking it roughly with his left hand.
Tori immediately dropped to her knees, grasping it for him and licking the underside from base to tip several times. Then she took the head of it into her mouth and began working it in deeper until it slid down her throat. Grasping his hips, she worked him in and out for several minutes before sliding him back out of her mouth. While she worked, Red began to roll his eyes and moan deeply, pushing on the top of her head and hanging onto her hair.
Tori had learned how to please each of the Dragons, and she could anticipate what they wanted or were going to do quite easily. When he had had enough, he pulled back on her mane to remove her mouth from his throbbing organ, and she grabbed the sides of his jeans and pulled them down for him and helped him step out of them. Once freed, he released her and she stood to remove her panties before climbing onto the bed, bending over onto all fours.
Sticking her rear out and leaning on her elbows, she gripped the flower printed bedspread with her fists. Red used a small tube to grease the way with his fingers for several seconds, then pulling himself up behind her he forced his way in. She managed to keep the look of pain from her face, and she took him in silent submission. He worked her back and forth until he had penetrated her fully, slapping her on her thigh and butt cheeks every so often and grinning at the redness it produced.
The liquor was hitting her pretty good, and Tori licked her lips often, enjoying the tingle. She began to relax into the motion of his body as he pushed against her, so he grabbed her hair again, using it to gain some leverage as he worked. She felt grateful for the gel that he used, as it made it hurt less, and she remembered to throw in some noises that Red would find appealing while he fucked her.
Well-built as a man, he and Eddie were the largest of the group, and she wished he did not insist that she take it all. She had complained about it once, but only once, and then learned to endure it in silence. Keeping her grasp firm, she focused on maintaining the illusion for her partner.
Close to finishing, he began to push harder and faster, causing her to lose her grip and slide forward, which he corrected by pulling back harder on her head for a moment. Then he pushed her on forward and changed his angle of entry enough to finish the job.
He could see a few streaks of blood on himself when he withdrew, grinning at it with a small amount of pride. She could feel his deposit trickle out of her as she lay still and waited for Michael to begin his turn, but he did not move from the chair, where he sat and watched her calmly.
Red cleaned himself and redressed, telling Michael to get it while it was fresh. Laughing, he closed the door loudly as he departed, which caused Tori to give a startled jump a full second after the door had closed.
Growing tired, the vodka coursed through her veins, and she fell deeper into her stupor. She opened her eyes to look at the stranger again, who sat glaring at her. She wondered what the hell he was waiting for, not that she minded sleeping through it if he didn't mind that she did. He was sitting there when she lost consciousness, and had been gone when she awoke the next morning.
What's Mine Is Mine
To her relief, Tori found herself alone when she awoke the next morning. Her rear end ached, and she could feel the thick, sticky ooze that had been left there the night before. Moving slowly, she pulled the blankets off of herself, and fumbled her way into the bathroom, barely making it to the toilet before she spewed the remnants of dinner and a fifth. Crouching on the floor next to it, she leaned against the cabinet, the wood cool and refreshing to her warm cheek. After several minutes, she stood and climbed into the shower on shaky limbs.
The warm water ran over her trembling body, and Tori pressed herself against the tile wall in an effort to remain standing. Turning flat against it, she washed her posterior gently with soap, and then allowed the water to run across it for several minutes. Finally, she turned and washed the rest of her bruised and aching anatomy. She wondered what Michael had done to her after she passed out, but could not see any fresh wounds she could account to him.
She had known few men who weren't into kinky, and as her soft hollow between her folds of skin didn’t feel like it had been touched, he must have gone in the back door, the same as Red had. Standing in the warm cascade a few minutes longer, she longed for peace and freedom from her life. She would have killed herself by now, but she was too stubborn to give up. She felt like crying, but tears were for the weak. Be strong, she told herself; you can do this.
Shutting off the water, Tori stepped out into the room to dry herself and dress. Able to put on her clean clothes from her backpack, she shoved the dirty ones in a trash bag from the litter can before stuffing them into her pack to launder. She had to hurry though, so they would be dry before the Dragons were ready to roll.
Slipping into her boots and throwing on her jacket, she grabbed the bag and headed down the hall for the laundry room. Fortunately, Eddie had wanted to spend some time visiting with Michael that morning, and so she finished in plenty of time before they were ready to leave.
Tori met the group out on the parking lot. Most were checking their bikes and preparing to ride. Catching her as she arrived, Eddie pulled her to him, kissing her thoroughly while squeezing her butt cheeks and massaging her aching posterior. “My God you are so hot,” he breathed. “I could fuck you right here in front of God and everyone.”
Tori went along, sliding her arm around him to pull him tighter against her and cooed, “After dark, love.”
Eddie laughed, thrilled, by the way she played him, knowing it was just a game. She was good at it though, right fine bitch and the sweetest whore he had ever owned. He slapped her on her backside as he called out, “Mount up; we hit Denver by dark.” With that, everyone climbed onto their bikes, and they headed out.
Tori sat behind Eddie, as usual, and looked around for Michael, but realized he no longer rode with them. He must have been sent off on his little errand, or maybe he had been killed. Either way, she felt fairly certain she would never see him again. The ride long, she could not stop her mind from returning to the stranger who looked so much like the man she had grown fond of when she was young, wondering what had actually become of him.
That night, the group stopped at a rest area outside of Denver. Curiosity got the better of her, and she asked in passing what became of him as they were unpacking their gear. Eddie didn't like her taking an interest in another man when she wasn't sucking his dick. Stopping to look at her, Tori met his gaze, a wave of fear rushing over her.
Lunging towards her, he slapped her across her right cheek with the back of his right hand, knocking her to the ground and kicking her in the gut. She curled into a ball, knowing better than to fight back, and that she could not win against his anger.
Eddie seemed to have decided he needed to make sure she and everyone else knew whom she belonged to. He pulled out his knife and put his knee on her chest, Red dropping down to hold her arms. He cut several deep marks into her face, above and below her left eye. Th
e others watched from a short distance, as they were accustomed to Eddie's punishments of her, and knew what would be next.
The night ended the same as the first night the group had raped her, as she was then stripped and bent over the concrete table. All eleven of them had a turn, while Henry watched in obvious misery.
The next day, Eddie seemed very pleased with her new face, and snapped a Polaroid to record the occasion. Laughing at her, he grabbed her jaw in his right hand, and clenching it tightly pulled her face up next to his to hiss, “What's mine is mine, and you are mine—don't you ever fucking forget it!” He pushed her back away from him so hard that she stumbled, then fell to the ground, cutting her forearms on the rocky soil as she tried to break the fall.
Tori stopped at that point, having reached the part she had intended to tell; how she got the large scar that covered her eye. Eli sat motionless, a good listener who did not mind if she rambled at times. She stared at him for a minute, and then asked timidly, “Why are you here?” Eli jumped slightly, a startled expression crossing his face. “I mean, I’m sure you don't come to visit me out of the goodness of your heart. You want something from me. What is it you’re looking for?”
Eli felt defeated beneath the pressure of the deadline he had been given, and knew this could be his last chance to finally get what they needed. “You already gave me part of it,” he admitted quietly, “But we need details. We need to know about the Dragons. Where they went, what they did, and who they did it for. What were they into exactly?”
Tori shook her head slightly, a little sad she had been right about his visits. Deep down, she would have liked that he came to her because he cared. But no one cared for her, not since Henry died. “They were into whatever was paying. As far as details, why should I give you those things? What I have already told you could cost me my life—why should I give you more?”