The Keeper Set - Summer Spirit Novellas 7 - 9 Page 10
“You don’ think Keeper already knows?” Charlie demanded in a squeaky voice. “He’s omnipotent; I thought he knew everything.”
“He does not see my minions!” Karma shouted, her hair and eyes taking on a warm glow. “No, he was unaware of the pregnancy, I’m sure of it. Perhaps I should have been clearer in my expectation, as John was to be brought before me at any cost.”
Confused, Charlie stammered, “We couldn’t force him! You want him to come and be a part of us, right? Or did you want another Phil skulkin’ around here? An’ besides, you said the other day Keeper needs my child; he already knows. Come on Karma, givin’ my dad three days was a good choice.”
Pursing her lips, Karma considered his reasoning while looking at the other two in turn. “You don’t have anything to add, Dante?”
“No, ma’am,” he stood straight, hands behind his back. “I tried to coerce him more forcefully, but these two seemed to think I was being too harsh; too demanding,” he tossed at them, raising his chin as if to challenge them to deny it.
“It’s three days!” Charlie laughed. “Come on, you two; he’s gonna come quietly next time. An’ so what if he tells Keeper? It’s not a secret.” His eyes twinkled, knowing full well he was right; Keeper had been aware of the impending birth for months, by his own mouth at that.
“Ugh,” Karma grunted in disgust, blinking her eyes rapidly after rolling them away and turning her back on them. Staring out the large expanse of glass, the sun shone high above her haven. “At least you got her back to us safely. Clarisse, you will not leave my house again until your child is born. It wouldn’t be safe for you to travel.”
Clarisse gasped loudly, “I can’t leave! You mean I’m stuck here, in Purgatory, until the baby comes?”
“Exactly,” Karma turned to face her squarely. “We wouldn’t want anything to happen to you or the infant, and even a group of three might not be enough. Banthar will remain here as well, as your guardian while you… gestate.”
“Banthar!” Charlie growled, not caring his protest might bring on her wrath. “You’re putting my wife in the protection of a Dark Angel?”
“He is no longer a Dark Angel,” she informed him curtly, “he is a member of my house, and he will complete this task as any other of my minions would; I caution you to remember that. Now, if you will excuse me, I have other arrangements to make. Dante, can I see you downstairs?” Not waiting for his reply, their mistress disappeared.
“Son of a Bitch!” Charlie ranted, clenching his fists and waving them in the air.
“Calm down,” Dante advised. “You should know by now that disagreeing with anything Karma says is a bad idea.”
“I don’t care what you think,” Charlie spun to stand toe to toe with him. “He is MY father and she is MY wife, an’ I don’ need your opinion about ANY of it!”
“Very well,” Dante grimaced, “Then I’ll leave you two alone,” he retorted before following Karma to the basement via the stairs.
Watching him disappear from sight, Charlie growled, “That man is not our friend, Clarisse! I’ve tried t’ convince myself, but feel like he’s playin’ us somehow.”
“I have to agree,” she said softly, sidling up to him. Her hands on his chest and back, she rubbed him firmly. “We can’t be alone together here, either. Not like on our island.”
“No, we can’t,” he fumed. Of course, if they had forced John as Dante had wanted, it would be done with. Keeper wouldn’t be any more of an issue, other than another of his Summer Angels had joined Karma, and their lives would have been less disrupted. “Do you think we did the right thing?” he asked more quietly.
“Yes, I’m sure we did,” she soothed, laying her head against his shoulder. “There must always be choice, and I’m not concerned about Keeper. He would never hurt me, you, or our child.”
“I hope you’re right,” he sighed, wrapping her in his arms. His mind relaxed in her comforting embrace, and Charlie thought of his mother. “She’s the only one who doesn’t know,” he whispered aloud.
“Who doesn’t know?”
“My mother,” he sniffed, overtaken by emotion. “She doesn’t know anything; not about the Angels, or about you, or about our child. She’s gonna be a grandmother in a matter of weeks an’ she doesn’ have a clue!”
“You can’t tell her!” Clarisse’s head shot up in panic.
“Why? Because it’s against the rules?”
“Exactly! What’s she supposed to do when you drop something that massive on her?” the girl squealed.
His mouth hanging open, he wanted to make an argument to defend his notion of informing her, but as quickly as it formed in his mind, he realized it would be folly. Knowing about the magical plane would be a burden, and he couldn’t do that to her. “Damn it,” he said instead.
Holding her for a few minutes, his heart calmed down and his breathing returned to normal. “You’re right,” he breathed into her hair as he nuzzled her. “But, I’m going to visit her, anyway. If I tell her about the baby, I’ll jus’ tell her you’re another member of the house here.”
“Do you think that’s wise?”
“I’m not sure,” he confessed, “but it beats feeling like I’m hiding something from her that would be important to her. A grandchild isn’ like not telling her about our new pet; it’s a person she should have a right t’ know about.”
“Charlie, your mother won’t be able to see our baby,” she reminded him quietly.
Blinking at her, he turned the notion for a moment. “Shit. The baby’ll be part of the magical plane, won’ it; trapped on this side, the same way you are. At least until Karma destroys it.”
“Yes,” she frowned deeply. “I’m sorry, love. I know this is hard for you. I’m not sure you should break the news to her until she would be able to see the baby.”
“You don’ think Phil would have told her, do you?”
“Why would he?” she gasped. “I’m sure Phil hasn’t told her that he’s part of Karma’s house. That would be silly!”
“Yeah, maybe you’re right,” he agreed, removing himself from her grasp. “Listen, baby, I’m gonna go see her for a few hours. Don’ worry, I’m not gonna tell her anything. I jus’ need t’ spend a little time with her, that’s all.”
Nodding gently, Clarisse agreed. “Be careful, Charlie. And come back straight away.”
“I will,” he agreed, giving her a small smile before he vanished to go in search of the comfort he would only find in his momma’s arms.
Hidden Within
Arriving on the beach across from their old apartment, Charlie dropped his head back and began his search. Locating humans had proven to be much easier than pinning down Angels, and a few seconds later he smiled, aware that she was still at her office.
Deciding to relax beneath the rays until closer to quitting time, he flopped down onto the warm sand. Donning swim trunks and nothing else, he placed his hands behind his head and lay back. Closing his eyes against the overhead glare, he smiled, despite the emotional rollercoaster the day had been so far.
Charlie and his mother had never been close, at least not when he was young. It had only been after his father’s passing that the two of them had formed a real connection. It had been hard for him, talking to her while in Purgatory, where he was bound not to reveal anything about his life there.
“This is different,” he muttered aloud.
He needed to see Bethany, it was as simple as that. He had to make sure she was still doing ok, especially now that she had married Phil. And, he wanted to at least plant the idea that a grandbaby could be in her future. That way she’ll have time t’ think about it, an’ it won’t be such a shock when we can finally introduce them.
A few grains of sand landed on Charlie’s belly. Swiping them away, he returned the arm to the back of his head, delving back into his thoughts.
More sand tickled his flesh. Shielding his eyes, he squinted, certain someone had decided to set up their own area next
to him; highly likely since he had remained in the magical plane and would be invisible to anyone else out to enjoy the day.
Seeing no one within a dozen yards of him, he frowned. Dusting the sand off for the second time, he relaxed back into position once more, but held his eyes open with the faintest of slivers.
A shadow passed over him and Charlie vanished, transporting himself three feet away and into a standing position as a large mound of sand landed on the spot where he had lain. “Gous! What the hell are you doin’ here?”
Grinning to expose his sharp teeth, the Dark Angel pivoted to face him. “About time you caught on!” he teased, as if they were buddies.
“I’m not in a mood for your games,” Charlie hissed, wiping at himself again. “Tell me what you want, or go the hell away!”
“Temper, temper!” Gous strutted around him, his dark robe flowing about him in the gentle breeze. “I am curious why you would choose to lay out on this beach, when you have a private one at your disposal?”
Grinding his teeth, Charlie measured his reply carefully. “Because it suits me,” he finally stated more calmly than he felt. “Look, last time you said you would do what I asked. I’m asking you t’ LEAVE ME ALONE!”
“It suits you?” Gous chortled, ignoring his request, “Homesick, are we?” he indicated the building across the street where the boy had once resided.
“No,” Charlie stammered, then faltered. “Ok, fine; yeah, I jus’ wanted to hang out here for a while. Relax for a bit, in private if you don’ mind.”
“Oh, I mind,” Gous laughed heartily. “Charlie, I have never understood why we couldn’t be friends!”
“Because you’re a Dark Angel!”
“As are you,” Fate’s minion replied coolly.
“I certainly am not! I’m a Forgotten Angel, an’ I belong to the house of Karma!” Cocking his head to the side, he demanded, “Now, stop wasting my time! Tell me what you want or be on your way.”
“How’s Clarisse?”
Charlie’s flesh paled despite the sun. “She’s fine,” he bit back, wondering if Gous knew about his unborn child.
“So fine you had to get away for a while?” Gous sneered.
“Ok, that’s it,” Charlie threw up his hands. “You got me! We had a fight, an’ I wanted to spend a few minutes relaxing an’ calming down. So, if you don’ mind, you’re blocking my sun.” Plunking back into his spot, he stretched out and closed his eyes.
“I doubt that,” Gous’s voice grated, “but for now I will leave you to your leisure.”
Peeking, Charlie discovered himself to be alone. Basking in the rays for a few minutes, he mentally reached out and located his mother again, sensing that she would be leaving soon.
In a flash, Charlie transported across town, choosing a bathroom to materialize in, properly dressed in a suit and tie. Examining himself in the mirror, he grinned at how efficient he had become at the process, the scope of his power evidenced by how easily he wielded it.
Leaving the lavatory, he made his way down the hall to the glass doors that bore his mother’s name. Still at the bottom of the list, he shrugged; at least she’s there. Pulling the entrance open, he slunk in, noting the reception area to be vacant. A couple of chairs flanked by large fake plants sat along the right-hand wall, and he decided to have a seat and wait for his mother’s departure. Glancing around, he noted the two hallways leading into the interior of the office suite, one on either side of the receptionist’s desk, which sat centered along the back wall of the area.
“Can I help you?” a young woman inquired, entering from the hall that ran to the right.
“I’m waiting for Bethany,” he replied with a charming smile.
“Shall I inform her that you’re here?” she asked as she lifted the phone’s receiver.
“No, please,” he stood abruptly. “I’m here to surprise her.”
“Oh, I see. Very well, then have a seat.”
Back on the cushion, Charlie relaxed, running his fingers through his hair. Watching the young woman, an odd sense came over him, almost as if he could see through her, or that a mist of some kind had settle around her.
“Charlie!” Bethany squealed, interrupting his thoughts. As soon as she did, the aura around the receptionist vanished.
“I’m sorry, ma’am. He said he wanted to surprise you.”
“It’s quite all right,” Beth dismissed with a wave of her hand, inching towards her only child. “Baby, how are you!”
Getting to his feet, Charlie grinned uncontrollably. “I’m great, mom. I’m hoping to take you to dinner.”
“Well, I wish you had called,” she replied, giving him a firm hug. “Phil and I have plans this evening.” Guiding him towards the door, she walked through as he held it for her. “We’re meeting some friends for dinner, or I would invite you to come along.”
“It’s ok,” he replied as they waited for the lift. “You’re right, I should have called. I came into town on business, an’ it was a spur o’ the moment thing; you know.”
“Ah,” Bethany grinned. “You have something to tell me!”
Taken aback, Charlie laughed nervously as they stepped through the metal doors and waited for them to close. “Wow, mom! I guess I can’t fool you, can I?” Arriving in the lobby, the pair exited the building, and her car awaited out front. “I guess there’ll be another time. Good night, mom.”
“Don’t be silly!” she called over the roof as her heels clicked their way around the vehicle, “get in!”
Looking around, Charlie hesitated, not sure if he should. Deciding to chance it, he opened the passenger door and slid inside. “I won’t be intruding?”
“Oh, heavens no! We’re meeting at seven, and that gives us at least an hour before I need to shower and change. And we can talk on the way home,” she informed him as she pulled out into traffic and pointed the car towards the highway. “What’s on your mind, baby?”
Baby. The word stunned him. Nope, can’t start with that, he mused. “I’ve met someone,” he chose instead. “Someone really special to me.”
“Oh, Charlie, how wonderful!” she breathed, making the merge onto the busy thoroughfare easily. “It’s only a few miles to the house. Don’t say anything else until we’re there and I can give you my full attention!”
“Ok,” he agreed, adjusting himself anxiously in his seat. True to her estimation, they pulled into a parking garage ten minutes later and she located her space.
“Come inside, Charlie,” she implored, taking her purse and leading the way to the stairs. Climbing, she huffed slightly by the time they reached the next level, but grinned cheerfully. “I climb those stairs every day, like a mini-workout,” she informed him as they walked down the hall. “Here we are!” Placing her key in the lock, she opened the home she and Phil shared.
Stepping through the entrance, Charlie’s jaw dropped. The opulence of the suite unfurled before him as plush chairs, shining brass finishes, and glass-topped tables filled the over-sized room. “Mom,” he gasped, “this place is huge!”
“Well, I guess,” she agreed, leading him into the kitchen, “but it’s home.” Opening the doors to an extravagant refrigerator, she offered, “Would you like something to drink? I have a pitcher of sweet tea,” she sang.
“Yes, tea please; thank you.” His eyes wide, he turned slowly, still in awe of her new place. “Mom, how do you afford this?”
“I make very good money,” she boasted. “And we have Phil’s income.”
“Phil’s income,” he repeated absently, considering where the older man could possibly be drawing a salary. Maybe he had some savings and is living off the interest. “This is pretty neat, mom!” he congratulated her, trying to hide his true feelings about the place. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but the apartment seemed too perfect, too splendid; something isn’t right here.
“I’m glad you approve.” She smiled, placing his glass on the marble-topped bar in front of him. “Now. Tell me about this girl
“She’s nice,” he grinned, nodding his head profusely. “Her name is Clara, an’ amazingly enough, she looks an awful lot like Donna.”
Her smile slowly fading, Bethany stared at him. “You’re seeing a girl who looks like your dead girlfriend?” she blurted.
Grunting, Charlie toyed with his glass. “Yeah, I guess I am.”
“And how did you meet… this girl?” her voice became stiff.
“She’s another member of the half-way house,” he explained calmly.
“A convict,” she spat through clenched teeth.
Charlie could feel the air growing cooler around him, and he cast a slow look around, turning slowly. “You have plans; I better go,” he announced, realizing that their reunion had been poisoned. “We’ll talk again when you’re not busy.” Grabbing her, he pulled her against him firmly, wishing he could learn a way to stop Gous from using his mother against him. Squeezing her for a long hug, he released her and took a step back.
“Goodbye, Charlie,” she hissed, indicating the door.
Strolling out as if to appear undisturbed, Charlie strutted down the hall and located the elevator. Inside, he removed his tie and exhaled loudly, leaning against a mirrored wall; son of a bitch. At least he had gotten to see her. She’s doin’ well; almost too well. Crossing the plane, he considered his options.
Exiting when the doors opened, he continued to walk, observing people as he sauntered down the crowded street. Not bothering to go around, he passed through several before he noticed a middle-aged man… hazy. The aura, he thought to himself. Same as the girl in mom’s office.
Spying an open-air café across the street, Charlie darted over and located a seat. His eyes shifting, he watched the people as they passed by for several minutes before a dark, hooded figure, appeared in the seat next to him.
“Well, have a nice visit?” Gous hissed, removing his hood.