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A New Life Series - Starter Kit Page 12

  Then she could see Eddie’s shoulder moving as he stabbed her insides with the crooked end of the hanger. “Are you sure it’ll work?” a deeper voice asked.

  “Yeah, it’ll work,” Eddie replied, “Just have to scar it up pretty good or it’ll just happen again.”

  When he finished, they released her, and pulled her up to the end of the bed and onto the floor. She could see a large porcelain bowl in front of her, and they had her kneel over the receptacle.

  Tori hovered on all fours, with her hips lowered over the wide opening as if she were going to pee in it, and she could feel the blood running out of her and dripping into the vessel.

  Several times, larger chunks of thick mucus feeling material also passed, and she could feel small streams of liquid running down her legs. As she watched the container, she began to sob as she realized what they had done to her. Laying the robe over her back, someone darkened the bowl so she could no longer see what she passed, but it was too late, and the damage had been done.

  After about half an hour, someone removed the bowl, and they lifted her back onto the bed. She felt faint, but remained conscious throughout the inspection of her injured female anatomy. She didn't try to struggle and lay still even when Eddie pressed on her stomach, causing horrific waves of pain as her freshly mutilated uterus contracted.

  David lay with her, a small lamp for light, while the rest of the crew spread out into the other rooms of the house to get some sleep. Spooned up behind her as she lay on her right side, he stroked her gently, whispering to her soothingly, but Tori gave no response. Her innards ached and throbbed throughout the night, and her sleep had been intermittent and restless.

  The next morning, David bathed her with warm water and allowed her to walk around, but only for a short amount of time. While she moved about the room, he changed the bedding so she could lay in fresh blankets and towels.

  The Dragons had never cared for her before, and the fact that they did so now only made her despise them more. Lying on the bed again, she could still feel the blood dripping from her, and she realized it must have been her period or something like it.

  The guys were calm, so she felt fairly certain she would live, and Eddie checked her several times, even taking her temperature as part of the routine. She slept some that afternoon, and in between Paul brought her light soups and broth to drink.

  By the next day, she moved around more and took another shower to wash the blood from her legs. They wouldn't allow her to get dressed, but found a gown that belonged to a woman who lived in the house and gave it to her to wear. Tori still did not feel hungry, but they insisted that she eat. When they left her alone, she lay on her side in the bed and wept.

  The old couple who lived in the house returned the third night, and the Dragons dealt with them, but their untimely arrival meant they would have to move on by the next morning. Just before daybreak, they awakened her and told her to prepare to leave. When she had dressed, they mounted up and moved on.

  Tori felt stabs of pain while they rode, and she made loud grunts whenever they hit a bump or rough spot. She clung to Eddie tightly, fearing she would fall from the bike, and he rubbed the backs of her hands often as she clutched his broad chest. Finding a spot for the night early, they again allowed her to rest. For the next few weeks, they taught her how to satisfy a man orally instead of the usual nightly routine, but after a month things were back to normal, and no one ever spoke of the event again.

  “So you see,” Tori explained, “I will never have a family of my own. My life has never been, nor will it ever be, normal.”

  Debra stared at her for several minutes, digesting what she had heard. Sadly, Dr. Bennet had told the committee Tori suffered from a rare uterine disorder and would probably never be able to have children. At least now she knew that part of his report had been true, and she also knew why.

  Live While We Can

  Tori's mood somber when they returned to Eli's apartment, she discovered him already home and waiting for their return. Seeing him preparing their dinner, she felt weary after the day’s lengthy adventure.

  Sensing her distress when they entered, he made his way over and placed a hand on her hip to pull her close, then wrapped his arms around her for a firm hug.

  She stood in his embrace for a full minute, clinging to him and taking comfort in his caring gesture. Debra finally began to cough noisily to break them up, and Eli smiled sheepishly as Tori reluctantly backed away from him.

  “May I take a shower,” she asked softly, “Or am I going back to the hospital?”

  “No, you can shower if you want. I’m going to put you up in my spare room tonight. We’ll head up to my office tomorrow to introduce you properly to the committee.” He smiled brightly at her, but Tori gave no response. She simply located the bag that held her new sleeping garments and underclothes in it and went off to find the bathroom.

  Debra waited until they heard the sound of running water before she grabbed his arm, “Oh, my God, what they did to her was horrible!”

  “What did she say?” he asked cautiously, surprised Tori had talked to Debra so freely. He had been concerned all day about her reaction to spending time with a fellow female, maybe for the first time in her life.

  “Well, remember what Dr. Bennet said about Asherman's Syndrome? They gave her an abortion with a clothes hanger and scarred her on purpose to prevent her from getting pregnant again. He estimated it happened three years ago, but wasn't sure. She said it took place about six weeks after they left the bush camp. Jesus, Eli, I don't see how she is ever going to have a normal life after all she’s been through!” Debra lamented while shaking her head.

  “We’ll take care of her, Deb.” Eli assured her. “She’s strong. She’ll find her way.”

  The two of them were still talking quietly when the water cut off in the bathroom. Debra decided she wanted to be gone before she came out, so hastily said good night and made for the door. Tori exited with a puff of steam just as the apartment exit closed behind her, and Eli turned to show her to her room.

  Again, he smiled warmly and tried to be positive in light of what Debra had shared. Tori appeared desolate as he led the way to the smaller bedroom across the hall from his own. He had placed her bags on the chair beside the door so she could dress in her new clothes for the meeting the following morning.

  Turning, he noticed her bare legs were clean shaven and silky smooth in the pair of boxers she wore to sleep in. His eyes climbed slowly, and he liked the way the tee shirt fit the curve of her waist and more snuggly around her chest. For a moment, he paused and thought about her bare breasts beneath it.

  When his gaze made it to her face, he could see she had watched him as he looked her up, and she asked curtly, “Like what you see?”

  He had been caught, and his face turned a bright shade of red. “I am so sorry,” he stammered. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable,” and he began backing out the door. Turning quickly, Eli darted to the kitchen to check on the small dinner he had put in the oven for them and made some fresh tea.

  Tori sat on the bed, thinking she might simply go to sleep without eating, but her rumbling belly convinced her otherwise. She thought about slipping on her pants before she went down the hall, then thought better of it and headed to the kitchen to find out what smelled so good.

  When she entered the room, Eli shot her a quick glance, then put his eyes back on his work to avoid a second incident in one evening. Pausing in the doorway, she noticed the table had been set, and everything seemed to be in perfect order. She thought about how Debra had put her makeup on while she sat in one of the chairs only that morning, but it seemed long ago now. Tori had washed it away while in the shower and was back to her normal self.

  Looking over towards Eli, she could see he was busy putting the finishing touches on their meal, and she tried to fill the awkward silence, “You need any help?”

  “No, no, I got it,” he replied. “Pour yourself some tea and have a
seat. This’s almost ready.”

  Tori placed ice in a glass and filled it with the fresh brewed beverage, then as she placed it on the table, decided to make a glass for him, as well. Working together, they moved the items over, and Tori stopped abruptly as she realized something was different about him. Grabbing his arm, she pulled him up in front of her, and they stood face to face, Tori looking cleanly over the top of his head. “You got shorter!” she exclaimed.

  “I'm not . . . wearing my shoes.” Eli hesitated. “We all have things about us we would like to change. I would like to be taller. Not that I’m short, I’m just . . . not tall.” He tried to smile, but she could tell he felt self-conscious about what had happened a few minutes prior, and to add to his discomfort, she had pointed out a flaw about him that he did not like people to notice.

  Tori felt a surge of affection towards her friend, and she gave him a small smile as she whispered in a sultry voice, “You're tall enough. I'm the one who’s out of proportion, amazon woman I am.” Standing at least six foot with no shoes, Tori was clearly taller than him, and privately wished she were not.

  Eli laughed at their awkwardness together. They had spent weeks in each other's company, but they were in new territory. Holding on to his smile, their mood remained noticeably lighter for the meal.

  Sitting to their broiled steaks, small baked potatoes, steamed veggies and dinner salad, Tori remembered the home cooked meals of old, back in the bush camp when Henry taught her about eating well. She felt glad to see Eli had a good diet and chose the kinds of foods she had grown to love. They ate in virtual silence, with only the occasional comment as to the tastiness of their fare. She felt comfortable with the man who sat across the table, the shadow of what loomed ahead of her in the back of her mind.

  Finishing their meal, she inquired about the apartment and how long he had lived there. Eli answered her questions, an odd feeling in the pit of his stomach, before he realized he had never heard her make small talk before. They had slipped back into French while dining, and he had picked up a wistful vibe from her by the end. Her lips curled slightly as they spoke, and he asked if she were ready for a tour. Reluctant to give up the comfort of the kitchen and the company, she half-heartedly agreed.

  The wall between the kitchen and living room had a large open window so that the two rooms felt open, and conversation could pass between easily. To the left of the kitchen door, the living room appeared sparse, with a single couch and bare coffee table in front of it. A massive television hung on the far wall, and she could picture Eli sitting there, flipping through channels in boredom.

  Back to the right, the bathroom sat behind the first entrance on the right as you walked down the narrow hall; a small washer and dryer hid behind shuttered doors across from it. Tori's room lay behind the next door down on the right. She stepped back inside the small square of space as he described his plans for improvements.

  “Of course, if you were to decide to stay here for a time, you could decorate the room however you wanted. It is after all an empty slate pretty much at the moment.” True enough; the room only contained a small twin bed with a mismatched nightstand, and a single dining table chair next to the door, which did not match the kitchen furniture.

  Across the hall from her quarters, Eli's chamber held a more finished appearance. Once they moved through the portal, Tori became overjoyed with the deep browns and greens he had chosen for his palette and felt as if she had been whisked back to the jungles of South America.

  The cozy room held a king sized bed, with comforting deep stained wood on the head and footboards. To either side stood matching nightstands and a dresser that filled the wall to the right of the door, completing the circle to the back wall of the room.

  A live tree stood in the far left corner, next to a door that led to a small bathroom opposite the bed. The floors of the apartment were hardwood, but a large shaggy rug covered the area beneath his bed, which dampened the sound and made it feel as if it wrapped around a person, drawing them in tightly.

  “I’ve never had a home,” Tori breathed, “Much less a bedroom such as this. It’s amazing, Eli.”

  He stood on her left as she hovered next to the foot of his extravagant bed, her right hand resting on the corner post of the footboard. The room was so large, and yet so complete, she knew it had to be his favorite place to be. Cutting her eyes to give him a sideways glance, she wondered how many women he brought to this room for the night; her heart pained with jealousy.

  As if he had read her thoughts, he smiled broadly, “Too bad I spend every night here alone.”

  Tori turned her head to look at him fully, raising her left hand to meet his. She dropped her eyes to watch their fingers mingle, her pulse beginning to race.

  “I think it might be time for bed,” Eli spoke softly.

  Tori breathed an agreement, but did not move to leave the room, her bare feet planted firmly in the luxury of the mat beneath them. Her eyes skimming up his body, she noticed he remained fully clothed except for his shoes that had been removed. I wonder if he likes to be undressed, or if he would want to do that for himself?

  Not a large man, Eli’s chest and shoulders were less broad than most men she had known. His light grey shirt covering them, she noted his tie had also been removed, and the top few buttons were open, which allowed a few dark brown hairs to escape and tease.

  Her eyes continued to climb, pausing at his closed lips that curved into a half smile. Leaning closer to him, she moved her gaze to his blue eyes that were deeper than her own, with flecks of brown and green. He watched her intently, and he swallowed hard as he considered what might happen next.

  “You should go to your room,” he instructed directly.

  Tori only stared at him for several moments, then spoke in a low voice, “Eli, what were you thinking when you looked at me earlier? Do you think that I am . . . attractive?”

  Curling his fingers around hers more tightly, he shifted his gaze to her lush lips and replied, “I think you’re beautiful. You caught my eye while I sat on a hard wooden chair in a cold hospital room, and you’ve been taking my breath away ever since.” He gave a lopsided smile as memories of her flashed through his mind, and he could see her sitting on a bench in the sun, watching the birds and swinging her leg all over again.

  “I’m not beautiful, Eli.” Tori's voice picked up a sad tone for a moment. “You can see the scars as well as I can feel them.” She rubbed the backs of his fingers with her thumb, twisting her body slightly from side to side. She had only ever been with one man because she wanted to be, and even then she could not be sure she really had a choice.

  Tori wanted to make love to Eli—to pour herself onto him and please him with every ounce of her being. She wanted it to be perfect for him, and she knew she wasn't perfect. Sensing her somberness, Eli shifted towards her, allowing their lips to meet. He raised his free hand to her waist and rubbed her firm skin through the thin cotton tee. Instantly, the fire consumed her, and she released the post and his hand simultaneously, each grasping at his fine clothes and working quickly to remove them.

  Eli, startled by her action, stiffened with a split second of doubt as he realized her intentions. Her kiss intoxicating, his mind quickly became muddled as his shirt fell to the floor behind him. Her hands moved with haste to remove his belt and unlock the slacks that hid his manhood before running her fingers playfully across his chest.

  His hair grew thinly there, and she could easily feel the skin beneath it. The rubbing made her fingers tingle, and she continued to steal kisses from him, causing her lips to burn. Quietly, she whispered to him as her digits danced and teased. She was an expert at this, and he quickly lost himself in her.

  Grasping her hands suddenly, he pulled himself back, “I can't do this. I want to, but it isn't our time yet.”

  Tori barely heard his words, her mind clouded by desire. Her reply came as a low murmur, “Live while we can, Eli. Tomorrow is only a promise, and this is the moment
that matters.”

  She freed her hands and put them back on his burning skin, sliding them around to his smooth back, pulling him against her trembling body. Her left hand shot up, caressing the back of his head and the nape of his neck, her grip firm with need. Raising his hand to her waist again, he could feel his resolve weakening.

  Nuzzling and biting at his ear, she asked if he preferred the light or the dark, and he stepped away from her for a moment to switch off the bright overhead fixture. There were two smaller, round lights on the ceiling that shown down on his tree, and they bathed the room in a warm, soft glow. He smiled as he sidled back up to her, realizing he could never deny her.

  Nothing Is Forever

  Their hands began to glide across one another, removing clothes and revealing tantalizing flesh. Tori felt free, as her heart beat hard and fast with joy and excitement. Taking control of him, she pushed his naked body back onto the bed. He worked his way up, sliding on his back, lying across the bed from side to side. She loved running her fingertips over him, and used her lips to tease him in sensitive places.

  He could see the shadow of her scarred left breast hanging down as she bent over him, and thought about what it had meant in the past. The scar had faded to him, only a small part of her being, and she was more beautiful than ever.

  Her hands were strong and sure as she gripped him, her thumb massaging the tender spot where the head of him met the shaft. She licked and teased him mercilessly before taking him into her mouth and easily into her throat. He rubbed the top of her head gently as she pleased him, driving him to the edge of insanity.

  Soon, Eli began to grasp fistfuls of the comforter, his moans growing louder while he flexed his legs beneath her. Tori raised her head to lick the tip of him playfully and smiled up at him. The look of delight on his glistening face touched her heart like sunshine.