The Irrevocable Series Boxed Set Read online

Page 22

  Bailey frowned, eyeing the wide mattress reluctantly, “Are you sure?” she sighed, “I don’t want to put you out.”

  “Naw, it’s fine,” he continued to grin, “That’s your half, an’ this’s mine,” he used his hands to divide the accommodations. Cutting off the light, he slid into his section, calling firmly, “Goodnight, Bailey.”

  Dropping the towel over the foot of the bed, the girl timidly followed suit, listening to the man breathe in the darkness. Before long, she could tell he had fallen asleep, so she rolled over and observed him in the dim light.

  Making out his face in the soft glow, she chuckled quietly to herself at the commanding way he had handled the incident; pretty funny actually. That’s the second time he’s saved me. She continued to smile, drifting off to sleep with visions of her knight in shining armor running through her head.

  When it Rains

  Caleb awoke the next morning, dimly aware of the female body pressed against his. Panic washed over him, his pulse pounding in his ears, and he struggled to keep his movements slow and calm, so as not to wake her. His touch gentle, he fumbled beneath the covers to discover she remained fully dressed, with her back to him. Heaving a sigh of relief, he sank back onto his pillow and stared at the ceiling above them, waiting for his nerves to calm.

  Sliding an arm over her waist and across her belly, he spooned up behind her, nuzzling his face into her soft auburn curls; she must have scooched over next to me in the night. His breathing returning to normal, he closed his eyes; she didn’t mean anything by it. His fingers tracing her lower ribs through her cotton shirt, his mind wandered, leaping to what lay hidden beneath it; I could get used to this.

  His eyes shot open at the thought, and he worked his way off the bed. Quickly gathering clean apparel, he dodged into the bathroom; shit. Dropping the articles onto the sink, he cranked on the shower full blast, and stripped down to climb beneath the frigid spray. That was stupid, he berated himself as the cold water poured over his scalp and ran down his smooth back.

  Leaning his head against the wall, he pressed the palm of his left hand flat against it. Spitting a few times, his mind retraced the night before, and how he had allowed himself to make the offer. Damn, you almost blew it, mister. Closing his eyes, he struggled to breathe, hoping she still slept and would remain unaware of his desire to cop a feel.

  Outside the small chamber, Bailey lay in the darkness, listening to the cascade. Her mind briefly succumbed to the idea that he was naked, and she envisioned the bare chest she had seen a few times, along with more private areas. He didn’t stay on his side, and she had awoken in his embrace.

  A few seconds later, her thoughts shifted to Ked and his grasping manner, darkening her mood; yup, he’s a guy after all. Sliding out of the covers, she darted into her room.

  Not bothering with a shower, she hurriedly slipped into her workout clothing. Comparing the two males, she found Caleb’s behavior odd, in that he seemed to hold the same desires as her former would-be boyfriend. However, he also appeared to be working very hard at keeping them under wraps, rather than pushing her to join him in the naughty behavior. Or is he biding his time, until he’s ready to spring it on me? The thought made her uneasy, whichever way she took it.

  Desiring to be gone when her roommate left for work, she exited the apartment and climbed onto a treadmill inside the gym. After her run, she did stretches and practiced moves for the rest of the hour, waiting there until after six before she felt certain he would no longer be at home to greet her. Making her way across the compound, she breathed deeply, calming herself after the vigorous workout.

  Inside the kitchen a few minutes later, she removed eggs and scrambled them for breakfast. Being her Friday off at work, she considered skipping school and taking the whole day as a gift to herself; time to relax and do some things for me. The idea tempted her strongly after the stress she had been under as of late.

  Sauntering down the hall, she stood next to her crumpled bed, staring down at the small black specks that had not escaped the poison. Deciding having a day for her own would be justified, she changed into ordinary jeans and a tee shirt after her shower. Stripping down the bed, she shoved the items into a basket and gathered the soap and quarters to take care of the necessities first.

  Choosing one of the new books to read while she waited, she made her way to the laundry and set up the machine. Sitting on the folding table, she leaned her back against the wall while she flipped the pages slowly, taking in the details of the small caliber weapons. Mom and dad didn’t believe in guns, she recalled as she traced the outline of one in particular.

  Reading the description, she discovered that it was a powerful model, with a hard kick, and she wondered briefly what it would be like to fire such a thing. Her curiosity wetted, she stood and moved over to the window. Glaring out at the buildings that obstructed her view, she knew the road lay on the other side; across the street is that strip mall, with my work, some other things... and an Academy Sports department store.

  “Academy,” she spoke aloud, a flicker of an idea forming in the back of her mind. “This is my day, and I can do what I want with it.”

  Back in Illinois, Bailey had enjoyed a few such days, when Pamela Dewitt had had a clear schedule, or a canceled court date, and had chosen to spend it with her daughter. She would pick her up from school a few hours early, and the pair would go shopping, selecting the styles that had kept her slender frame ahead of the pack in the fashion department.

  That, or they would have made a trip to a salon, where a good manicure and pedicure could be found. Bailey had cherished those outings, since her mother had rarely spent time with her alone. In fact, the girl could count maybe a dozen of the instances total, and that made them all the more special.

  Her blankets buzzing loudly, the dryer announced the day’s chore was half complete, and she hauled the load upstairs to remake her bed. Once it had been accomplished, she checked herself in the mirror, and located her purse to retrieve her wallet, ready to see a few of the weapons first hand.

  Flipping through the book to make a short list of the most interesting ones, she shoved it into her pocket and stomped down the stairs. Crossing at the light, she smiled as she passed in front of her store, the patio already dotted with patrons enjoying an early lunch. It may have been the first week of October, and too cold for dining outdoors back home, but here, they would see ninety or better for the day’s high, and therefore the area remained popular.

  Her mind drifting back to their arrival last spring, she recalled that the weather had been warm then, as well. I bet this place doesn’t get any sort of winter at all, she sighed. Arriving at her destination, she entered through the sliding glass doors and located the gun cases on the far right hand side of the sales floor.

  Pulling out her list, she peered through the glass, making her way along and reading the placecards until she had located one of them. “Excuse me,” she called softly to the man on the other side of the counter, “I’d like to see this nine-millimeter pistol, please.”

  The back side of the sales area being raised, the man towered above her, causing his glower to appear even more menacing as it poured down upon her. “You gotta be twenty-one t’ purchase a handgun,” he informed her bluntly. “You got an ID?”

  “Oh!” she took a step back in surprise, “I’m not here to buy it!” Her mind turning, she realized her blunder, and that her chances were growing slim that she would reach her goal that day. “I’m doing a research project on them… for school,” she began to fabricate a cover story, her mind swirling, “And I was curious how it felt to hold one.”

  The dark haired man stared at her, unmoved by her explanation. Blinking at her for a long moment, he eventually cast his gaze up and down the counter. “Well,” he commented half to himself, “It’s a slow mornin’. An’ you’re not actually makin’ a purchase.” Pulling out a key, he opened the small gliding door and lifted the weapon, “Careful with it; it’s a little hea

  Gingerly taking it, Bailey’s fingers trembled slightly, “Wow, it is,” she agreed with a small smile. Thinking quickly, her brow furrowed, “How do you decide which one you should buy?”

  “Well, that depends,” he reached to retrieve the pistol and return it to its stand, “You definitely want one that fits your hand, an’ feels good when you hold it. But you also wanna choose one that’ll suit your needs; not too big or too small.”

  “Too big or too small,” she repeated, observing more of the inventory while she listened, “You mean the bullets, right?”

  “Yeah, the bullets,” he shrugged, noting the customer that had appeared behind her, “Can I help you sir?” He dismissed the girl unceremoniously, and she moved away, her eyes roving over the selection of rifles and shotguns that lined the wall behind him.

  Spending close to half an hour with the man, the clerk ignored her. Standing quietly, she observed as the transaction took place, feeding her curiosity over all of the requirements and paperwork that went into making a purchase. Once the sale had been completed, she decided it would be worth a Google search that afternoon, so she could gather more information on that subject as well.

  Returning home to prepare her lunch, Bailey carried her sandwich into the boys’ room, and perched at the desk. Biting into the meat and bread, she flicked on the computer and watched it come to life. Pulling up her profile, she read through the posts, looking over the latest comments from the nice list, and typing a few of her own. Only a few had noticed the post about the earthquake, and it appeared it would take a few days for the discussion to develop.

  Her routine checking-in completed and her lunch gone, she sat back in her chair and studied the screen. She hadn’t dug through the community profiles in weeks, but she recalled having seen a few of them holding weapons in some of their posts. Sitting up straight, she began to work her way through their pics, curious now that she had an idea of what she was looking at.

  After a few minutes of skimming, she located one. Opening the books, she identified the weapon, and smiled to herself; wow, I am learning. Continuing her search, she discovered that many of the community members could be found holding various models, one of which was Caleb. Obviously taken several years ago, the younger version of him stood over an enormous deer carcass.

  Locating the rifle he held in his right hand, she discovered that is was called an SKS. He sure looks pleased with himself, she smiled along with the photo. I bet the meat had gone a long way towards feeding the community, too. Laying her fingers across the screen, she thought of the boys and how they had also been learning to be proficient at using them; little men.

  With a small sigh, she resumed her search, finding more pictures and soon realizing all of the girls and women also had their favorites. Caleb wasn’t kidding when he said everyone had been trained. A moment later, her heart stopped cold for an instant before it began beating wildly inside her chest.

  Before her, a shot of Amanda, posted by Kristen Tate, stared back at her. Clicking the smaller image, she enlarged it to get a better look. Spying the date, she realized it had been taken over a year ago, presumably while she and Caleb had still been dating. The idea of it bothered her, and she could feel the angry flush rising from her chest to wash over her neck and face. What a bitch.

  Amanda had been posting for weeks how deeply in love she and Caleb were; how long they had known their wedding would come. The image of the girl with the two men made Bailey seethe with rage. How can she make such a claim, after behaving in such a manner?

  Flicking the mouse, she removed the photo, but it remained burned into her mind, and it occurred to her for the first time that Caleb might be telling the truth. The idea startled her. Even though she had not been so rude as to rub it in his face, she really had not believed anything he had said to her since their arrival back in Midland.

  I guess she’s not the only one who’s been treating him unfairly; she admonished herself. She gathered her trash and shut down the machine. Well, when it rains, it pours. Deep down, she knew she had been cold-hearted towards the man who obviously cared about her, taking nothing he told her with any ounce of confidence. I guess I’ve been a real bitch as well.

  The realization sent her pulse into overdrive for the second time that afternoon. Dropping the refuse into the bin, she stared at the kitchen for a moment, considering how she could make amends. You know he cares and looks out for you. However, she declined to label her roommate’s behavior as anything stronger than friendship, even after what had passed between them overnight. You’d be foolish to get caught up in it, whatever it means.

  But the way he held me this morning, she challenged her resolve. Her memories returned in a flood, and she could not quell the excitement they produced. He wasn’t touching anything he shouldn’t have been, unlike Ked, who put his hands all over me… every chance he got, she thought of the younger man angrily.

  Deciding to make the chicken-fried steaks that he loved, she removed meat from the freezer to thaw while her mind raced. His warm breath moving across my ear; his fingers tickling my belly. It had been exciting, whether she had wanted it to be or not. Damn. That’s exactly how you got into trouble last time.

  She wasn’t sure which had awakened her, but he must have noticed, because he had jumped up and fled to the shower. Maybe he’s as scared as you are, she admitted the reason for her flight to the gym.

  Or maybe he doesn’t want to be anything more than friends, the idea gave her chill bumps. Of course, to know for sure she would have to ask him, and that would be out of the question. You should leave it alone, and pretend it didn’t happen; you have more important things to worry about.

  She made batter to coat the steaks, her mind seemingly trapped and unable to let the issue go. One thing’s for certain; he really is my friend. She hadn’t thought of him as such in months. While she coated and floured their meal, she turned and sifted through her memories of the time she had known Caleb Cross.

  Her emotions rose and fell, as there had been good times between them; real and honest times, during which she had shared thoughts and ideas she never trusted to anyone. But in the end, there had been painful times as well. Putting the finishing touches on her surprise, she realized many of those were beyond his control. We’re the pawns, Bailey; she sighed at his description of their situation.

  But he’s tired of being a pawn. Struggling to clear the idea away, she reminded herself again, you need to stay away from him. You can’t get caught up in him, or his life.

  Catching her breath, she gave the open door a startled glare, “Oh, hello!”

  Stopped in mid-motion, Caleb noted her strained expression and slowly removed his key from the lock. “Hey,” he replied quietly, “You off tonight?”

  “Yes, as a matter of fact I am,” she nodded confirmation, “I made dinner for you. The gravy will be ready in about five minutes.”

  “Ok, I’ll wash up real quick, an’ be right back,” he supplied, heading for the back of the house, dinner for me, huh? he briefly considered if it might be poisoned.

  Making it down the hall, he could feel his heart bouncing around in his chest. He had been plagued by guilt over his behavior the entire day, largely because she had run from the apartment while he bathed. Rolling up his sleeves, he removed the grey powder from his arms and hands. Smoothing a squirt of lotion on them, he returned to the table and stared down at the dishes she placed before him, too anxious to dig in.

  “Listen, uh… before we eat, I wanted to apologize t’ you,” he stammered, “For my behavior this mornin’.”

  Staring at him wide-eyed, the girl sank into the seat across from him, “Why? Did you do something I don’t know about?” She swallowed noticeably, the amount of time she had spent thinking about his actions putting her on edge.

  “I don’t know,” he served his plate, “I promised I wasn't gonna touch you, an’ I shouldn’t have.”

  “Don’t worry about it, Caleb,” she offered qui
etly, “I mean, friends can snuggle, can’t they?” She forced a nervous grin, taking a steak for herself.

  “Yeah, they can,” he faltered at her smile, “But I don’ want you readin’ too much into it,” he surveyed the meal she had prepared.

  “I’m not reading anything into it,” she cut her eyes over at him cautiously, holding the expression in place.

  “Well, you left before I was even outta the shower…” his voice trailed away. “I thought you mighta been pissed.”

  “No,” she giggled in relief, “I wasn’t pissed. I mean, it surprised me,” she shrugged. “When I woke up, you were holding me, but that’s as far as it went that I know of. Or did something else happen before that?” she grew tense, “Did I do something… to you? Is that why you left in such a hurry?”

  “No, little bit, I had t’ get my shower before work,” he lied flatly, “An’ that’s all that happened; but I shouldna touched you. I don’ want you t’ think I’d ever take advantage o’ you.”

  Bailey laughed out loud, pausing between bites, “It’s ok, Caleb. We’re friends, remember? I trust you. I mean that.”

  His breath escaped in a loud gasp, and he picked up his knife and fork, his appetite gripping him full force, “Well, tha’s a relief,” he chuckled. “Here I thought you’d be fuming at me all day.” Taking a few bites, his heart rate returned to normal, “I’m glad we’re friends again, Bailey-girl. I’ve really missed you. An’ this is great stuff by the way!” he pointed at his plate with his fork, his grin spread from ear to ear.

  She stared at him after his confession, he missed me? Holding her front in place, she nodded, “Yes, I’ve missed you, too.” Oh, shit! Maybe I had him pegged right after all... he really is a guy… just like Ked.