The Keeper Set - Summer Spirit Novellas 7 - 9 Read online

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  “What’s going on is, the path to Purgatory isn’t so hard to recognize any more,” Portia informed them as she came down the stairs. “We have a lot of people here, and that could be why the Dark Angels have taken to attacking us.”

  “Unlikely,” Charlie coughed, “and that doesn’t explain anything!”

  “Father came to see Karma,” Kari supplied. “Almost immediately, they sent for Phil and she put him in charge of the house while they were gone; and they split. We haven’t heard from them since.”

  “And they didn’t bother to send for us?” Clarisse whined slightly, not relishing the idea that they could have been the target of some sinister plot.

  “We were safe,” Charlie informed her, then added, “Clarisse was concerned that you didn’t contact us,” for Kari’s benefit since he could not hear her from the magical plane.

  Frowning, Kari looked around, sidetracked for a moment, “I wish we could find a way to bridge this gap between us, Clarisse. I know you and I would be splendid friends if we could find a way to meet.”

  His words gave Charlie a sick feeling in his gut, as he realized his father’s prediction about the future would do precisely that; destroy the division between the two worlds. “Any idea what Father wanted?” he asked in an effort to keep them focused. “An’ why didn’t she leave Dante in charge o’ the house?”

  The silence that followed almost palpable, he nodded as his eyes darted from face to face. “Well, don’t be shy. Why was Father here and where is Dante?”

  “Karma is trying to fill the house,” Portia informed him, “and we think that Father is helping her do it. Where Dante is, we don’t know. He was gone when Father arrived last night, and Karma didn’t mention him, so she must have known he wasn’t available.”

  “That’s odd, but at least it proves that Father does work for Karma!” Charlie grinned. “I knew that old codger would have to pick a side some time.”

  “Ha!” Phil spat, “He may be helping her, but that in no way means he has taken her side. To the contrary, I won’t have any faith in recruits that he has had a hand in commissioning.”

  “You don’t have faith in anything around here anyways,” Charlie corrected, wondering for a moment if any of them were aware of why the Angels had come to this world or what lay ahead of them. “Right now,” he said aloud, “Clarisse an’ I are gonna have breakfast an’ wait for them to get back.”

  Purest of Souls

  Charlie shifted to the magical plane, prepared to share an uneasy meal with his wife. Placing heaping plates of bacon, eggs and toast before them, he took his seat beside her and scooped a few mouthfuls before noting that she only picked at her selection.

  “What’s wrong, baby?” he prodded gently, afraid that the business with Father had upset her more than she showed.

  Twirling her fork, Clarisse did not meet his gaze. Butterflies danced in her belly as she considered her dilemma. She had held her news for weeks, waiting for the time to be right for their discussion. Having Father show up at Purgatory caused her to consider that there would never be a good time to inform her lover of what lay ahead. Wringing her hands in her lap, she slowly lifted her clear blue eyes to stare at him dolefully. “I have something to tell you,” she confessed in a whisper.

  “Ok,” he breathed, her demeanor removing the remainder of his appetite. Swallowing as he pushed his plate back, he struggled to hold the right tone and keep the apprehension from his voice. “Just spit it out, baby; you know we’re in this together,” he grinned anxiously.

  “This is big news, love,” she blinked rapidly. “I’m sure it may come as a surprise; it certainly was for me. I’m going to have a baby,” her words tumbled out by the end, rushing to free her mind of the turmoil.

  His jaw dropping in slow motion, Charlie gaped at her. “Are you sure?” he finally managed.

  “Yes,” she sat up straighter in her rigid wooden chair.

  “And who else knows?” his eyes darted around them, observing that the large room appeared deserted.

  “I haven’t told anyone, if that’s what you mean,” Clarisse huffed. “I’ve wanted to tell you for days, but the timing never felt right. If Karma has been invading my thoughts, she may be aware, but as of yet she has not indicated it was so. I have kept the matter private; as private as I am able.”

  “An’ today you decided…” his voice trailed away with doubt.

  “I decided I couldn’t wait any longer,” she sighed, her shoulders slumped. “I’m not sure if we should tell the others,” she added quietly, also taking a look around. “I have little faith in the Forgotten Angels,” her face flushed as she spoke.

  “You don’t sound very happy about this,” he soothed, reaching for her slender fingers and folding them between his palms. “Are you upset?”

  “I don’t know what I am, Charlie,” she snatched her digits away. “I’ve never heard of an Angel conceiving a child. As far as I know, the last children born in our realm were Destiny and Fate. This isn’t right, and I’m terrified of what it could be or mean. A child; the purest of souls, a light among our kind, defenseless and innocent. This will change things, Charlie. And I will do everything in my power t’ protect our angel.”

  His eyes wide, Charlie gasped, “I know exactly what you mean.” He hadn’t shared his recent discoveries with her, and sitting in Karma’s dining room didn’t seem the place to disclose them, especially with her news hanging between them. Damn, every step only drags me further down, he lamented as he gathered his thoughts. “I don’t think we can leave right now; but as soon as we get away, we’ll talk about this more. For now, put it out of your mind and don’t let it bother you too much. We’ll get through this.”

  A baby, the words tickled the back of his mind. He had never considered the prospect of such a thing, and realizing that they had achieved what would appear to be the impossible only added to the insanity of their existence.

  Clouds in the Distance

  Charlie remained close to his wife after their meal, a renewed sense of protectiveness overwhelming him. As much as he tried to find hope in their future, dark clouds hung in the distance. Where most couples would celebrate the birth of their fist child, his heart pounded inside his chest at the thought of others discovering their secret.

  Standing next to her, the couple stared through the wall of glass in the dining room. The row of cacti along the base of it provided the perfect accents for the expanse of dark sandy earth that lay beyond. Above the warm grains, a clear blue sky stretched into the distance until the two met on the horizon. Staring it, he could almost see the thunderheads forming and rolling towards them; coming closer, but remaining just beyond their range of sight.

  Holding her hand in his, Charlie toyed with the ring that Clarisse wore, the physical symbol of his devotion to her, and by extension, his child that she carried. Karma knows, his thoughts churned. She always knows. But why hadn’t she spoken of it? If he had ever doubted his ability to follow the redhead to the bitter end, he certainly did today.

  Baby, Charlie telepathically reached out to his wife.

  Don’t, she quickly replied. “You know that my thoughts are not my own,” she said aloud. “I am not protected as you are, and therefore communicating in that manner only adds to our appearance of guilt.”

  “Protected as I am,” Charlie scoffed. His protection would be stripped away in an instant if Karma ever so much as suspected his disloyalty to her. “All right, we speak aloud,” he acquiesced, his mouth twisted into an odd pucker. “I want you to know that I will never abandon you. I may have pledged my service to Karma, but you’ll always be first in my heart. I’ll give an’ do all that I can t’ look out for you… t’ provide for you.”

  Her long shimmering strands framed her delicate features as Clarisse turned to face him. Holding his hand more firmly, she agreed, “I have always believed that you would. From the first time that I lay eyes on you in your bed as an infant, I knew there was something special about you.
Through the years, I have followed and protected you, and even now as my mate, I feel I am where I belong; in your presence and by your side.”

  “How touching,” Karma called loudly, interrupting their tender moment. “Renewing your vows?” she smirked at their discomfort.

  “Something like that,” Charlie hid his surprised fear behind a smile. “Why didn’t you call us in last night, with all the excitement?” He turned to face her. “You know we might have been able to help.”

  “There was no need,” she assured him, turning her back and sidling closer to them at the same time. “We have new members who will arrive shortly. We must prepare.”

  “New members,” Clarisse echoed, her nails digging into Charlie’s flesh as she clung to him. “Kari said that you were searching for new recruits to fill our rooms here.”

  “Indeed,” Karma smiled, reaching long fingers to caress the milky white skin of her Summer Angel as she arrived next to her. “You have always feared me, my child. But you are angry now; why? Nothing has changed that I am aware of. It has always been our goal to fill our halls and hearts with our own kind; Karma’s Minions, the Forgotten Angels.”

  “It’s Father,” Clarisse blurted, hoping to cover her trepidation and hide her secret a bit longer. “I’m not sure that we can trust him,” she stood straighter, feigning conviction on the subject.

  “Neither do I,” Karma’s laughter tinkled as she dropped her hand and moved away to stare out at the same view the couple had been enjoying. “He is a cunning old man, but he serves his purpose. I have examined his latest find and am confident they will make worthy additions to our cause.”

  “I bet,” Charlie clipped, surprising both of the women. Seeing Karma stiffen at his rebuke, he continued, “Maybe you could let us in on a little more o’ the plan. After all, I am first in line among your followers,” he grinned deviously.

  “Perhaps,” she turned to face him, looking him up and down. “But not yet. Let our new couple settle in and then we will discuss more of the plan, as you call it.”

  “Couple,” Clarisse glanced at her spouse, then back at Karma. “You mean like us?” Hesitating, she shrugged, “Lovers, like Kari and Lorren?”

  “Yes,” Karma turned to meet her gaze with cool green eyes, a sure sign she was expending energy, perhaps probing the girl’s thoughts. If she discovered their deception, she kept the knowledge to herself. “Steven and Alice are young lovers, as the rest of you. They crossed the plane together; some sort of Romeo and Juliet suicide pact between them. But, their little venture didn’t work out, and they both woke up in the hospital instead. They’re back home now, and I’ve got Father watching over them until we’re ready to reel them in.”

  “Wow,” Charlie breathed, taken aback for a moment. “What drove them to take their own lives?”

  Karma cut her darkening orbs over at him, her search complete. “I’m not certain. Details are sketchy. They are brand new in our realm, and we will welcome them here and begin their training,” she informed him matter-of-factly. “The boy is showing signs of telekinetic abilities, and I sense that the girl will be telepathic for certain.”

  “You mean they don’t know yet?” Clarisse gasped.

  “No,” Karma smiled deceptively. “As I said, they crossed the plane only a few weeks ago, and have yet to discover their potential. It will be many weeks or even perhaps months before they are strong enough… skilled enough… to contribute to our cause.”

  Our cause, Charlie mentally scoffed, grinding his teeth. “An’ you didn’t have anything t’ do with their being rifted,” he accused.

  “Rifted,” the woman repeated, her hair catching a lighter tone, as if it burned for a moment. “Who says they were rifted?” Her jaw tightened, as if preparing for a confrontation.

  “You know what I mean,” he exhaled loudly, taking a step back and running his hand through his hair. He hadn’t meant to use that word, but his conversation with his father fresh in his mind, he knew that the young couple had been harvested either by Keeper or Karma; of that he felt certain. “Taken from their lives,” he tried to correct his blunder.

  “Yes, unfortunately so,” she agreed. Turning to Clarisse, she smiled, “I would like for you to share a bit of time with the girl, but obviously she won’t be able to see you.” Her words cut, as if she intentionally tormented Charlie’s mate.

  “Naturally,” Clarisse lifted her chin as she replied, “I’m the outcast of the group, but Phil and I have managed.”

  “Now Summer Angel, do not feel that way. Soon you will stand among all of our members unhindered,” Karma predicted with a sly smile before she turned and sauntered towards the stairs leading to the basement. “I believe we have a meeting, Charlie,” she called over her shoulder before her head had disappeared.

  The Presence of Greatness

  As Karma vanished, Charlie leaned forward, pressing his lips against Clarisse’s cheek. “Don’t worry,” he whispered. Releasing her, he strolled over to the stairs and followed their mistress into the work space below.

  Arriving in the basement, his eyes darted across the expanse of cubicles, noting they appeared to be deserted, as did the gym area to his right. Scowling at the assorted equipment visible through the glass wall, he gathered himself to his full height and marched towards Karma’s office at the end of the aisle. At the open door, he stepped inside without bothering to knock.

  “So,” Karma began while studying a paper lying before her, “What is it that keeps you out late? Trouble that I should be aware of?” Seated behind her desk, she looked up when he didn’t respond right away. “Well?” her eyes burned.

  “I’m not sure where to begin,” he stammered. Deciding to go with the truth as far as he could take it, he swallowed visibly, then admitted, “I’ve been thinking lately. Things don’t feel right, with Phil and mom, you and Clarisse… pretty much everything. I’ve been visiting my father’s grave; several times in fact.”

  “Go on,” Karma prodded.

  “Well,” Charlie shoved his hands into the front pockets of his jeans and shrugged, “Last night Keeper showed up.” When the woman before him only glared up at him, he continued, “We talked for a few minutes, an’ he said he could help me get a better understanding, but then he left without saying much more than that. I went for a walk and ended up at the Dairy Queen; you know the one…” his voice trailed away.

  “Yes, I know the one,” she smirked.

  “Yeah,” he grinned slightly. “I got t’ see Tabs, but she got all pissy, so I left; that’s when my dad showed up.”

  Karma’s face visibly paled an instant before a bright flush swept up from her chest and colored her cheeks. “Keeper allowed you to see your father?” she bit through gritted teeth.

  “Yeah,” Charlie nodded, taking a seat in one of the chairs in front of her desk. “Look, Karma; I realize you an’ Keeper aren’t on good terms. You haven’t been in a long time, I’m guessing, but once you meant something to each other. I can’t help feeling like everything that is happening goes back t’ this fight between you guys.”

  “It’s more than that, hun,” her brow softened. “You are so perceptive at times, but I assure you, our disagreement runs much deeper.”

  “Why don’t you tell me about it?” he coaxed, leaning towards her and tapping her desk with the tips of his fingers. “I’m on your side, remember? It’d really help me if I felt like you trusted me.”

  “Trust is a difficult thing when you’ve been hurt as I have, Charlie.”

  Meeting her gaze, he forced a full smile. “We’ve been through a lot together. I can tell you what I’ve learned, an’ you can fill in the gaps. How would that be?”

  “Go on,” she smiled back.

  “Dad says that he was an Angel from the beginning, only he didn’t remember about the magical plane while he was living in Texas, married t’ mom, an’ being my father.” Pulling his hands into his lap, he set up straighter and stared down at them. “He says that the Angels use �
� need – the humans t’ reproduce.”

  Karma exhaled a long breath, and Charlie could hear the air escaping through her nose, but she made no reply. Looking up at her, his eyes grew wide. “I wasn’t supposed t’ know about that, was I,” he stated flatly, as if accepting some painful truth.

  “No,” Karma agreed, “you weren’t. None of the others do, so I have to ask that you keep that knowledge to yourself.” Standing, she moved around the desk to stand behind him. Parting the curtains to her viewing screen, she lit the glass and waited for him to turn and face the image as well.

  “Who are they?” he asked quietly, watching a pair of children playing in an open field. A young girl with long dark hair chased after a boy he guessed to be about the same age.

  “This is Destiny and Fate,” Karma supplied, her hand raised as if to caress them through the screen. “It has been many years since I have seen them,” her voice shook. “They were my world for a time, but things changed.”

  “It must have been hard for you,” Charlie agreed.

  “I have given up so many things,” she replied, darkening the image. “It was necessary. After they were born, we realized that none of the others could conceive. We faced a choice, one that could not be taken lightly; so we waited. When the time came, we created the plane to separate the physical world from the magical one.”

  “Yes,” Charlie hissed softly, eagerly drinking in her words.

  “We sent the first generation of our kind, some of those who came here with us,” she turned to meet his gaze. “We prevented them from remembering us or their real lives, and they lived among the humans. The second generation was born and slowly harvested when the time was right.”

  “Rifted,” the young man supplied.

  “Rifted,” Karma nodded slowly in agreement. “Time passed, and again we sent out our ambassadors and harvested our newest members.”