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- Samantha Jacobey
A New Life Series - Finisher Set Page 4
A New Life Series - Finisher Set Read online
Page 4
Her expression softened at seeing his features drawn in pain. “It wasn’t that easy,” she muttered quietly.
Eli’s eyes meeting hers, he knew he had her. Daring to touch her, he looped a few fingers of his right hand with her left, avoiding the cold metal of her wedding band. Leaning slightly towards her, he relished in her scent, his mind flooded with memories of her, sunshine, and singing birds.
“So,” he huffed after a lengthy pause, “What’s our next move?”
Tori swung her gaze around the lush garden and sighed deeply. “There’s really only one thing we can do.” She knew they were pressed for time, and the list of workable options short. In truth, she wasn’t happy about where that placed her in the mix of things. Dropping his digits and indicating for him to follow, she made her way to the back gate to let herself out onto the side street.
Eli trotted eagerly alongside her as she explained she would have to locate the Scorpions and get into the midst of them. “It’s the only way I’ll be able to get close enough to take them out.” She glanced over at the man next to her, daring him to object.
He made no such attempt, only questioning her going into the group alone. “I mean, it’s going to be dangerous. I could get another agent to go in with you, under cover.”
Tori shook her head, knowing that would never work. A Fed would be smelled out in short order. She needed someone else. Someone who knew the rules and could play the part and, unfortunately, she knew just the person for the job.
“Leave it to me,” she reassured him. “Please make sure the guys are taken care of; that’s what I need you to do.” Quickening her pace, she dismissed him with a wave of her hand. With Eli taking his leave, Tori made her way to a bus stop and caught a ride to the Millburn Railway Station.
Purchasing a ticket to Baltimore, she located a small shop and acquired a padded envelope with postage to ship it. Seeing the selection of cellphones, she also picked out a small white go-phone. Back outside, she slipped her ring inside the package and penned a brief note - Keep this safe for me, Love Tori. Her heart heavy, she held it for several minutes before dropping it into the large blue box. Once she had taken care of her ring, she activated the phone and made her way to catch her train.
Finding the entrance, Tori pushed her way through the crowded Amtrak platform, where people waited for the transport that would continue on into Washington after she had arrived at her destination. She took up a spot against the wall, partially protected by one of the pillars so she could keep an eye out around her.
Slipping her hand into her pocket, she fidgeted with the smooth edges of the phone while trying to decide what she would say. He isn’t going to like this, she mumbled to herself repeatedly.
When the train arrived, she made her way onboard along with the rest of the hoard and fortunately found an empty seat next to the window. Plunking down, she forced a heavy breath from her lungs in an agitated manner, peering out at the people milling around below.
Tori pulled her backpack around to her lap and sat holding it, ready for the trip to begin. Dejected, she toyed with her finger that once held her wedding band. It felt odd, with the shiny metal no longer encircling it. The train pulled away from the platform and she removed the small device from her pocket, studying it for a few minutes before retrieving the pink slip of paper from her wallet.
Nervously, she punched the number into the small keypad and waited to hear the ring. After four pulses, she feared he might not answer, when a male voice picked up the line, “Bueno?” Tori’s heart thumped heavily in her chest.
Faltering, “Hello, Enrique?” Not hearing a response she tried again, making good use of her Spanish abilities, “Enrique, it’s me, Tori.”
This time, the man replied, clearly stunned to hear her voice, “Oh my God! Tori, is that really you?”
A weak smile formed as she airily replied, “Yeah, baby; it’s me.”
“What happened? Where are you? Are you ok?” He didn’t give her time to answer anything between his rapid-fire of questions.
“I’m fine baby,” she soothed, “Really. But I’m in a bit of a bind and could really use your help.”
Enrique didn’t hesitate, eager for them to meet. “Where you at, baby girl? I’m in Florida, but I can head out right now.”
“That’s very good, actually, I think Charlotte would be a good spot. Let me call you back when I get an ETA.” Ending the call, she didn’t feel any more relaxed, and clutched her pack while she considered how things were possibly going to turn out. One, she knew that Enrique would want an explanation, which she felt reluctant to share all of the details with him if she could help it.
Two, he would be expecting her to service him while they were together. The thought of lying with him troubled her, even with the removal of Michael’s message. However, it was a moot point, as she would have to be willing to perform when they found the Scorpions if she were to have any hope of convincing them she wished to join them. She exhaled a deep sigh as she considered the tangled web she prepared to weave; that and the price the story would cost her.
Her thoughts briefly drifted to her husband and newfound brother. Quickly pushing them away, she reminded herself sternly, thinking about either of them right now is a waste of time. You have a job to do, baby girl; you’ll have to focus if you ever want to see either of them again. Combing her fingers through her dark waves, she stifled the urge to cry.
Arriving at the next station, Tori exited the train long enough to purchase a new ticket for North Carolina. Discovering that she only had ten minutes until departure, she ran to make the connection. Falling into the seat on her new vehicle, she again wished she had some idea how Michael was doing with getting Indelible moved towards their home.
Her head pressed into the seat, she allowed herself to think about her mate for a few minutes, recalling how she had permitted him to stay with her when they arrived in Texas. It had been against her better judgment, but she had allowed her heart to guide her the night he had begged her to agree.
“I’m not ready to leave,” his words haunted her. He reminded her so much of Henry and she had been powerless to refuse him. The scene had replayed itself too many times to count in their few short months together. I’ll be home as soon as I can, she promised him silently into the darkness.
With a cleansing sigh, she chose to stow her bag this time. The ride would be nine hours and she hoped to get some sleep. Giving Enrique a quick call, she told him she would arrive at 4:00 am, a nervous grin crossing her lips when he responded in a sultry tone, “I’ll be waiting.”
He actually sounded excited; if he still has feelings for me, this could get very complicated. Staring out of the window, her mind worked in circles as she considered how much of the truth she would be able to share with him. She needed to clarify her feelings for the tall, dark man; someone she had once thought she loved. I can’t let my heart make too many of the decisions; it’s my brains that’ll save us.
Forming the basis of her plan, she rationalized how she had always been a fairly honest person, only taking the time to outright lie if there were a clear benefit to doing so. Of course, she also understood if Enrique knew the truth, he might not be willing to help her, and then where would she be? In the end, she couldn’t make up her mind, and fell asleep while still considering the path she should take.
Tori awoke several hours later, as the train stopped in Charlotte. Grabbing her bag, she made her way out the exit to find he indeed waited for her on the platform. She had not been sure what she would say, but he did not wait for any explanations. Walking straight up to her, he swept her off her feet, swinging her into their customary playful circle, her arms instantly wrapping around his neck to hang on.
Placing her back on the ground, they held the embrace, resting their foreheads against one another as he stroked the line of her back. Tori stood still, allowing him to fawn over her for a moment, and then pushed her face towards his to bring their mouths together.
p; Enrique parted his lips and the kiss deepened into more than a friendly hello. She knew he was getting the wrong idea. Choosing to not set him straight, she freed her lips and whispered hoarsely, “Do we have a room?”
“No, but we will,” he replied with a grin.
Taking her hand, he led her out of the station. The couple swung onto the back of his bike, Tori looping her arms around him to massage his chest as they rode. She liked the feel of the vibration on her female parts, allowing it to excite her, preparing to play the part of lover to the best of her ability.
Enrique didn’t take long to choose a motel, and they made their way to the room without delay. From inside his bag, he pulled out a few items; surprises for her.
She wasn’t shocked to see the tube of gel appear as that would be a given knowing him like she did. She welcomed the other item more, as he had stopped to purchase a rather large bottle of Smirnoff Silver, and went to find the glasses as she kicked off her boots and jacket. Staring at it, she realized it had been a long time since she had tasted even a drop. He even remembered my favorite brand.
“I’s really surprised to get your call,” he said in a cheerful tone, “You know, after alls this time.”
Nonchalantly examining the bottle, Tori tried to share in the small talk. “Oh, well, things have suddenly gone crazy on me and I really need your help. But that’s not what I want to do or talk about tonight...” She allowed her sentence to hang as she gave him her best fuck me pose. She had never been one to lie, but she wasn’t above using her body to get what she wanted, and right then it was the only card she had to play.
Pouring the glasses, he gave her a wicked grin, “Yeah, it’s been too long,” obviously eager to get down to business.
However, if she thought it would be easy, she had been mistaken. Her hand reached for the glass, but stopped short, and her fingers began to tremble uncontrollably. Unable to force them to grasp the offering, Tori curled her digits into a fist before pulling them back.
Looking up into his dark brown eyes, she licked her upper lip, her mouth suddenly dry. She drew a deep breath as the emotion washed over her. She became conscious of the fact she could not be with him unless he knew the truth. She searched for the right words, and he could see the pain drawing lines on her face.
Deciding to end her suffering, he confessed quietly, “I knows about that guy you been with.”
Startled, her expression shifted as she demanded, “What’re you talking about?”
He sat the bottle down and moved to stroke her arms with his palms to soothe her. “I seen you, in a little town in Texas, three months ago, or so. There was some guy with you, in this little garage, and I sat and watched you, trying to decide what to do. I seen the two of you together, and I realized, you didn’t need me anymore. That’s why your call surprised me.”
Turning slightly away from him and staring at the floor, Tori considered whether he was lying or not. That long ago, she and Michael weren’t really together, as they had only been married ten weeks. But then again, she couldn’t be sure. “And what did you do about it?” she asked calmly, still facing the dresser and avoiding his stare.
Enrique shrugged, “I hung around for a few days, watchin’. Then he must’ve spotted me, ‘cause he came down to the diner to sees me. Told me you guys were together. I mean, I hadn’t actually seen him touching you or you kissin’ him or anything, but he said you was with him.” Tori’s jaw dropped slightly. “Anyways, from your reaction, I guess things must’ve hit a rough spot.”
She could not stifle a laugh, “A rough spot, that’s a good one.” She shifted her stance, trying to collect herself. He still half held her, and her eyes moved timidly up to his face. He’s so handsome, and if he doesn’t love me, he puts on a good show. Swallowing hard, she whispered in a trembling voice, “They found my family, Enrique. My brother. They tore up his house to get to me.”
He could feel the air hang in his chest, refusing to come out. Staring into her wide blue orbs, he heard himself reply in an equally low tone, “The Scorpions? Is he Ok?”
She nodded, “Michael has taken him to hide while I go after the group responsible.”
Enrique looked stricken. “What do you mean, go after the group?”
She could hear the concern in his voice, and knew she needed to confess her plan. “I’m gonna kill them,” she stated flatly, glaring at his lips as she raised her chin in defiance.
Enrique stared at her, his head shaking slightly in disbelief. “You can’t be serious.” His rising voice strained, and he gripped her biceps roughly, turning her to face him squarely once again.
Placing her hand on his chest, she tried to calm him. “Remember what Eddie taught me? The way that he raised me, to be his secret weapon? I won’t be safe, and my family won’t be safe, until they’re eliminated.”
“Yeah, I agree, but you can’t kills those guys. There’s eleven of them if they haven’t replaced me, and after alls this time, I’m pretty sure they have. You’re not gonna beat twelve men. Even with my help, we lose here!” Enrique could feel the stab of pain in his chest as he acknowledged the fact that he still loved her; the thought of anything happening to her petrified him.
Her gaze flitting between his deep brown eyes and his curved lips, she replied softly, “I don’t have a choice. I have to try, and if I lose, at least they won’t have a reason to go after the people I care about anymore.” Her expression bleak, she spoke with conviction, waiting for him to comprehend; to see things her way.
Catching a whiff of loose hair, he smoothed it, carefully contemplating what she had said. “So, what’s the plan?” he managed.
Her relief evident on her face, she explained with a hint of excitement in her voice, “We have two ways of approaching them. Either way, I’m gonna need your help locating the group. After that, I can go after them alone and hope to get lucky. Or, I can ride in with you and we can pretend we’re looking to join back up with them. Either way, it’ll be a risk, but if we go with the second option, you’ll be in danger as well.”
“I don’t cares about that. I’d rather gos with you and be there to help if I can.” He didn’t even flinch at the possibility of being harmed or killed if it meant her odds were better. Leaning forward, he kissed her, allowing his lips to slide gently over hers, then nuzzle her cheek. “I still love you,” he whispered into her hair, lacing his fingers through it and against the back of her head. They stood for several minutes, him clinging to her in earnest.
Feeling her rigid stance, he picked up on the elusive vibe she emitted. Eventually, he gave her some room. “So, you and that guy’re serious about each other? I mean, you’re really with him?” Enrique felt sure he would regret the answer, but he had to know where he stood before they moved to the next step.
Her voice quivered, “He’s my husband. He gave me his name.” She essentially avoided her own feelings on the subject, and let it go at that.
Enrique released her to turn his back, trying to hide the pain that coursed through him. Even though he had left her with Michael by choice, it still hurt. “Does he know where you are? That you’re here with me?”
“No,” she replied swiftly, “I mailed my ring back to him with a note to keep it for me. I didn’t tell him my plan… but he’s a smart man. I’m sure he’ll know why.”
Lifting his face and turning enough to look at her, he acknowledged what an incredible woman she was, and how much she would be willing to sacrifice for the people she loved. “You knows what you’re gonna have to do. If you wanna convince them, you’re gonna have to play the part.”
“I know. I played the part for a long time, and I can do it again. Have to do it again. As long as you know it’s just an act, then we’re good. When this is over, I’m going home.”
Shifting to shove his hands in his pockets, he nodded, “Yeah, I gets it.” She’s gonna fuck me, but she don’t want me. Looking at her squarely, he rolled his tongue for a moment as he mulled over her words, we’ll sees ab
out that.
Staring down at the glass of liquor, Tori willed herself to swallow it. She knew it would help her focus and do what must be done. Her right hand moving quickly, she lifted the glass and gulped the liquid, her mind briefly flashing David Long, the camp around them as he trained her how to drink. Closing her eyes as it went down, she prayed that Michael would forgive her.
Like Old Times
Enrique moved to shut off all the lights, save a small bedside lamp, which cast a soft warm glow across the room. She watched him, summoning all the emotion within her while she helped herself to a second glass of courage, preparing for their encounter. The realization she would give herself to him, and many others over the next few weeks swirled in her mind.
She knew she would not be their victim. Not this time. Not even when she allowed them to hurt her. I’ve been had by men too many times. It’s time for me to take… to take what I want and to use it… to twist it, and to make it my own.
When he reached her, he kissed her deeply, measuring her state of drunkenness. He discovered her eagerness, as she returned his intimate caresses, grasping him in the near dark and tugging at his clothes. She really wants me, his excitement spiked within him, she can lie to herself, but she can’t lie to me. “Oh my God, baby girl… you know I missed you so bad…”
“Shut up and fuck me,” she cut him off, commanding his obedience - and his silence. She wasn’t there to make love to him. “And make it dirty,” she clutched a fistful of his dark hair as she pressed her body firmly against his, eyes boring into his lips, “Really dirty, baby… you know I like it that way.”
Enrique grinned at her offer, knowing she did indeed like it that way. Primed to obey, he removed her clothing roughly, breathing against her flesh and biting as he went. In the process, he noted the tattoo that had been peeking at him from between her breasts and down her shirt.