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The Karma Set - Summer Spirit Novellas 4 - 6 Page 9

  Accepting the article, she discarded the blood soaked version and pulled his on instead. Shoving her feet into the leather sneakers, the girl pushed a mass of knotted hair out of her eyes and followed him to the door. Staying close behind, the pair crept down the stairs. Peeking into the kitchen, they crossed the empty room hurriedly and glared out the back door.

  “I don’t see anyone,” she hissed.

  “No, I think they’re all out front,” Charlie agreed. “You take off; head into th’ trees and then climb t’ the top o’ the ridge. Get as far away as you can, an’ don’ stop runnin’ for anything.” Staring into her blue eyes, he felt reminded of Clarisse, with her pure innocence staring back at him.

  “Thank you,” she managed quietly, tears welling in her crystal blue orbs.

  “Don’t mention it,” Charlie grasped her arm and gave it a squeeze. “Now go!”

  Making her exit, she stomped across the porch and down the steps. Catching the screen door and preventing it from slamming, Charlie shifted back into the other plane, hiding himself from anyone who might enter the kitchen as he watched her go.

  When the back of her dark hair disappeared into the foliage, he telepathically selected a new shirt from his closet back at Purgatory and transported it to himself, then pulled it over his head. Being a teleporter has its advantages, he mused. Again decent, he turned on his heel and headed to the front and out to find his partner.

  “She’s clear,” he informed Dante when he had located him. “You set?”

  “Yeah,” the leader agreed. “They’re having some kind of meeting in the barn, so our timing couldn’t be better.” An instant later, the pair stood on the top of the ridge, and without hesitating, Dante set off the charges.

  The blast rocked the earth beneath them, and a huge fireball shot up from the barn as bits of wood and debris showered the ground around them. “Holy crap!” Charlie exclaimed, watching as a flaming form burst out of the smoke and dropped to the ground in a futile attempt to extinguish himself.

  Seeing the girl reach the top of the incline a few hundred feet away, she only glanced over her shoulder before beginning her descent down the other side. “You think she’ll be ok?”

  “Yeah, she’ll get some help when she gets out to the highway,” Dante clamped Charlie on the shoulder. “Good work, by the way. Karma’s sure to be pleased,” he indicated their inferno below them.

  “All in a day’s work,” Charlie agreed, feeling oddly content with the outcome, despite the carnage. “I guess we head back to Purgatory?”

  “Yeah, we’ve done all we can here,” Dante matched his companion’s smile. “You did good there, boy. You just might turn out to be all right after all,” he teased before they both disappeared, leaving the fire to burn itself out.

  Arriving in the dining area a moment later, a room full of Forgotten Angels sat enjoying their typical breakfast feast. Only creating a mild flurry of excitement, the gathering continued with their meal. Taking a plate, Charlie moved to join them, noticing that Phil scowled at him from his seat next to Karma.

  “Well done,” their mistress congratulated them, shifting to give the man to her right a dark glare. Rising, Phil shifted into the empty chair next to him, vacating the spot so that Charlie and Dante could each sit beside her. “You made that look easy.”

  “It was easy,” Charlie agreed, digging into his scrambled eggs eagerly. “I think I’m getting used to this dispenser of justice gig.”

  “Indeed you are, and rightly so,” she leaned against her hands, elbows planted in front of her. “Giving her the shirt off your back was a nice touch, by the way,” she praised. Glancing at Dante, she smiled. “You work well together and have earned a bit of reward.”

  Seeing the look pass between them, Charlie chuckled, “He can have th’ reward. I’m jus’ glad it’s over.”

  “Really,” Karma shifted her gaze to him. “I was thinking of getting you something special. Something you’ve longed to have.”

  Pausing in mid bite, he hesitated a moment before he breathed quietly, “Are you serious?” His mind racing, he could only think of one thing, the only thing, he longed for. “You’re going to get her for me?”

  “Yes, I have arranged for her release,” Karma beamed. “She will arrive this evening, and she will be yours.” She paused, adjusting her plate for a moment before it disappeared. “Of course, we had to make a concession to achieve the deal, and Gous will also be freed.”

  “Gous,” Charlie’s brown eyes darkened and he grunted, “Well, that’s great. So I’ll have him t’ contend with again.”

  “Not that it matters,” Karma reassured him. “You are stronger now, and he will think twice before confronting you.”

  Realizing that she was correct, Charlie grinned at the idea of turning the tables on the Dark Angel. “Oh, yeah! I can cross the plane now, an’ he doesn’t hold all the cards.”

  “Exactly,” Dante raised his cup of coffee in a mock toast. He had warmed to the new-comer over the course of their mission, whether he had intended it or not. Grinning at Charlie, he took a sip, and then addressed the female between them, “So, when do I get my prize?”

  “Oh, as soon as you finish your breakfast, baby,” she cooed. “Everyone gets what they deserve when Karma’s around.”

  Date with an Angel

  Charlie anxiously stared out the window, watching the desert sun set. He had spent the day preparing his surprises for Clarisse and now stood in the atrium, awaiting her arrival. Things sure have changed, he lamented to himself. He thought of the last time he had set up a special day for a girl; Tabitha. That day had ended badly, and he had driven his guardian away because of it.

  Not today, he promised himself. Today, I have a date with an angel. Things would be decidedly different, and he would have eternity to demonstrate his love for her.

  It had been over a year since he had seen her. She had been Donna then; the girl he wanted to marry. Shoving his hand into his pocket, he toyed with the box he had retrieved that morning, contemplating the jeweled band hidden inside it. Thank God I kept it, he grinned. If everything went well, he intended to give it to her; the love of my life.

  Sensing a presence, he turned, his eyes scanning the room. Seeing nothing, he shifted to the other plane and presented himself to her shyly, “Hello, beautiful.”

  Clarisse’s wide blue eyes glistened, “Charlie?” Her voice soft, her bewilderment at his appearance in her world evident, she gasped, “How?”

  Next to her in an instant, he placed his hands firmly on her hips, his lips caressing hers before moving to her cheek as he whispered, “I’ll explain, but not now. I jus’ wanna hold you, love.”

  Leaning against him, she exhaled a deep sigh, and a moment later, bright morning light shone around them. Feeling the sand beneath her feet, she could hear the crash of the waves surrounding them.

  Releasing her, Charlie revealed their destination; a secret love nest on a deserted island. “Do you like it?” he asked, indicating the canopy covered bed in the center of the beach.

  The wind rustled the chiffon curtains that served as walls, and her long pale fingers caught the fine material. Awed by the detail, she stepped onto the platform and admired the pillows and thick, fluffy comforter that adorned the mattress. A small table stood next to it, a bottle of wine in a bucket of ice and two glasses in the center of it.

  “You thought of everything,” she breathed, turning to face the sea. Inhaling the salty air, peace settle over her. “How long do we have?”

  “Forever,” he replied, his hands moving around her torso to embrace her from behind. Her flesh warm beneath her thin white gown, he caressed her. Nuzzling her neck, he located the curve of her jaw, his lips and tongue dotting the line of it with soft kisses.

  The girl shivered, feeling him to the depths of her being. Turning to face him, she admitted quietly. “I’ve never… not as me. Not as Clarisse.”

  “It’s ok,” he toyed with her ear, his fingers brushing he
r long blond strands aside. “I loved you as Donna and I love you as Clarisse. You are one and the same, the half that makes me whole.” He smiled, prepared to bare his soul, “I’ve missed you so much; waited every day to be with you again.” With his free hand, he presented the velvet covered box. “Will you marry me?”

  Her jaw trembled, her lips parting in awe when he opened the lid to expose his offering. “Oh, Charlie!”

  The sea breeze rustling his hair, he waited for her reply. Just breathe, he reminded himself for the umpteenth time that day. He wanted her so desperately, he couldn’t fathom her refusal.

  After a long pause, she gazed into his eyes. Almost the same height, she matched him squarely, “I’m not sure that Destiny would allow it.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” he grinned, “Destiny doesn’t own you anymore. Things are different, love. Say yes; I know you want to. Follow your heart an’ damn the consequences.”

  Squinting against the whiffs of hair that floated around her, she nodded, “You really think I can do that?”

  “Yeah, you can do that,” he chuckled back at her. “Baby, we were made for each other. Trust me. Let me put this ring on your finger,” he shifted playfully, “An’ put you in that bed as my wife.”

  Laughing with him, joy sprang up from deep inside her; like a well of hope that could not be squelched. “Ok,” she agreed, stepping back, “But how are we going to be married here in the middle of nowhere?”

  Instantly, Dante stood on the sand beneath them, looking official in a white suit and tie. “You have need of a minister?” he sang pleasantly.

  Her eyes darting quickly between them, she giggled, “You thought of everything.”

  “Yes,” Charlie took her hand and guided her to a small platform that awaited them a few yards down the beach. Dancing shade from the towering trees protected the wooden floor, and a table prepared for a ceremony sat in the middle of it. Taking a knee, he knelt on one of the white satin pillows and indicated for her to join him on the other.

  “Oh, sweet Destiny,” she whispered, pulling at her gown to maneuver herself into proper position.

  Standing before the couple, Dante administered the rights, referring to an ancient text periodically. His voice warm, he divined that their union be blessed by the power of the ancient beings. Pouring a generous amount of red wine into a large crystal goblet, he presented it to each of them to drink. “So shall you share in the cup of life,” he announced.

  With one hand on each of their heads, the power of his being radiated around them. “Place the ring on her finger,” he instructed.

  Doing as he requested, Charlie held her trembling digit and slid the tip through the golden band. Working it down to the base of her finger, he sniffed, blinking back his tears. Looking her in the eye, he could see she had given up on fighting hers, and droplets of joy glistened on her cheeks.

  “By the power of the Light and the Dark, may you be joined for eternity,” Dante concluded his ritual. “You should kiss your bride.”

  Leaning towards her, Charlie didn’t hesitate, tasting her fully before his hand caught her jaw. His fingers caressing her lips, he whispered, “Hello, Mrs. Phillips.”

  Grinning, she eagerly agreed, “I can’t believe this is real. I’m so happy, Charlie.”

  Clamping his friend on the shoulder, Dante announced loudly, “I’m off. You two enjoy yourselves, and I’ll see you in Purgatory.”

  “Purgatory?” her eyes grew wide as their companion disappeared.

  “Forget it,” Charlie got to his feet, helping her to hers. “All that can wait. Right now, we have love t’ make.” Lifting her into his arms, he carried her across the sand and placed her onto the pliable surface. Her gown gone in the blink of an eye, she lay before him in all her naked splendor.

  Dispensing with his own clothing, he hung over her, drinking in the cool blue of her eyes and tantalizing his digits with the feel of her bare flesh. “I love you,” he informed her softly.

  “I know,” she replied, her fingers finding their way through his brown waves to his scalp. “Oh Charlie, I love you, too!”

  His lips suctioning to hers in small kisses, he pressed against her and the feel of her set his body ablaze.

  The Price We Pay

  Twisting in the bed and pouring a glass of wine for each of them, Charlie smiled at the sun sinking into the bay before them. “Did I get it right?” he indicated their surroundings. Handing her a crystal goblet, he nestled back into the rich covers and took a sip of his own.

  “Very right,” she agreed, her long frame lying next to his. “It’s beautiful, Charlie. Thank you.”

  Swirling the dark liquid, he lay his arm behind her shoulders, pulling her tighter against him. “I have things to tell you,” he said quietly. “I’m not sure they can wait.”

  “I know,” she agreed, unwilling to disturb their love-nest by moving. “I’m ready. Together, we can face it, whatever it is.”

  “I hope so,” he agreed, then began in earnest. “Have you ever heard of Karma?”

  “Karma?” she repeated, turning the name over in her mind for a moment. “No; should I have?”

  “She’s the twins’ mother; Destiny and Fate. Keeper’s mate.”

  “Charlie!” Clarisse bolted straight up, almost spilling their glasses. The blankets falling around her waist, her perfect breasts commanded his attention before she pulled the sheet up to cover them. “How dare you speak of Keeper so casually!” she rebuked.

  Taking her glass from her firm grasp, he placed them both on the table next to the bed. “Let’s move,” he implored. “I think this’s gonna be difficult for you, an’ I want you t’ be comfortable when I explain about the price we pay for the lives we lead.”

  “The price we pay?” she repeated in confusion. “Charlie, just tell me!”

  Looking into her soft blue orbs, he returned her clothing to her thin frame, dressing her in the gown he loved to see flowing about her. Whisking them down the beach, he placed her on a blanket and knelt beside her, donning his own simple jeans and tee. Staring at the white foam glistening in the last light of the day, he sighed. “Baby, you only ever heard half the story; half the truth. Keeper’s half.”

  Clenching her jaw, Clarisse bit back a sharp reply. Instead, she managed a calm response, “Ok, let’s pretend for a moment that you are correct. Keeper is the protector of balance. He makes the world safe.”

  Shaking his head, Charlie sighed. “Yes, he does keep the balance. He and Karma created the twins to ensure that neither side would take control. That’s what happened in their world; that’s why they came here. We are their second chance to get it right.”

  Looking her in the eye, he waited. She stared back at him, unsure if she should speak. When he said nothing else, she asked submissively, “All right, where did they come from?”

  “I don’ know,” he admitted. “I only know it wasn’t here. Karma came t’ get me an’ kept the judge from sending me t’ prison. After I got t’ Purgatory, she revealed that much t’ me; then she started trainin’ me.”

  “Training you,” she dropped his gaze, turning her attention to the calming effect of the sea, “To do what?”

  “Karma is the dispenser of justice,” he supplied quietly. “She sends us on missions, kind o’ like the Summer Angels, but not really. We don’ have clients; we get assigned targets. People who have somethin’ comin’ t’ them. We make sure they get whatever that is.”

  “You punish people,” she concluded, her voice hollow as she stared straight ahead.

  “Yeah,” he brushed at a few grains of sand on the blanket next to him. “Look -” he began before she cut him off.

  “You’re a Dark Angel.”

  “No!” he shouted, disturbed by the comparison. “We’re Forgotten Angels, that’s what we are! We aren’t light, an’ we ain’t dark. We don’t manipulate people. We don’ save them or any o’ that. We make sure they get whatever it is that they have earned,” he simplified for her.

/>   Turning to stare at him, she demanded, “Why would you choose to do this? Why would you go against Keeper like this?’ her voice caught, aware that he had dragged her into his choice and made her a part of his crime.

  “Baby, don’t cry,” he soothed, brushing her check gently before he kissed her moist skin. “It’s not like that. When I joined the rest of Karma’s minions, she promised me that we would be together. Did Keeper give us that? Did he even care that we were in love?” his voice grew bitter. “Hell no, he didn’t!”

  “Charlie, don’t!” she breathed.

  “Don’t Charlie, don’t, me!” he growled back. “Listen t’ me. This is where we belong. This is the side we were meant t’ take. Why do you think Destiny an’ Keeper – an’ Father! None o’ them ever told you the truth; none o’ them ever mentioned Karma. Why do you think that is?” he scowled.

  Blinking at him rapidly, she considered their reasons. Coming up with nothing, she asked quietly, “Why then? Why would they not tell us? I was a Light Angel, Charlie! A Summer Angel, and it was my job to take care of my clients!”

  “You were a pawn, baby,” he consoled. “They used the goodness inside your heart and gave you a job that served their purpose. They don’ care about humans; they need us, plain and simple.”

  “Need us for what?” she begged, her thoughts clouded by the pain of betrayal.

  “I don’ know that,” he sighed, pulling his knees up to lean on. “Not yet, at least. I’m gonna find out, though,” he promised. “Stay with me baby. Follow my lead. Together, we are strong, an’ I need you by my side.”

  Seeing the truth shining in his mahogany eyes, she could not deny him. Clarisse had been lost in Charles Phillips since he was a boy. Watching him grow had become her obsession, and she had once put distance between them to stop the feelings that made her feel guilty. “I have loved you for so long,” she whispered.

  “I know; I’ve always known,” he replied, planting a small kiss on her lips. “You’re mine, love. Body an’ soul.”