The Karma Set - Summer Spirit Novellas 4 - 6 Page 13
Sensing that the girl had fled, Karma chuckled to herself. “Relax, Phil. We each know where we stand. I want you to help me with the Dark Angel.”
“Help you,” he sneered. “Help you how?” He didn’t look at her and continued to prepare his lunch.
Shaking her head at his stubbornness, Karma sighed. “All right, make your own food, silly man.” Turning to peer through the glass wall, she spoke in a low tone, “Gous is only one of many. A war is coming; one that will determine the course of this planet and the people that inhabit it. Be careful what side you choose; all who take the wrong side will be discarded.” Turning to leave him, she strutted towards the stairs as well.
“Wait!” he called after her. “You didn’t tell me what you want me to do with him.”
“You must make your own choices,” she paused her step, staring at the passage before her. “But if you serve me, gather what you can and share it with me; openly… freely. Do not make me scour your mind to sniff out the details of your treachery.”
“Why do you keep me here?” he demanded, slamming a carton of milk on the counter and causing a small white geyser to briefly shoot out the top. “Why don’t you destroy me and be done with it?”
A smile slowly curved her red lips, hidden from him as she faced the other way. “For all your complaining, this is your home. Nowhere else would you be free.” Her heels dug into the plush carpet of the steps as she descended into the lower room with her fingers lightly trailing the banister. Before her, the cubicles expanded on either side of the set of aisles. On the far end, her office sat, the door closed and the blinds drawn over her window that overlooked the room.
To her right, a wall of glass separated the work area from the small gym. Inside, she could see Dante and Charlie lifting weights. She could not see the girl, but she knew she also occupied the smaller location. Shifting planes as she strutted through the entrance, she observed the girl hunched on a bench as she watched the two men and their flexing muscles.
“Clarisse,” she called softly, causing the blonde to turn slightly. “Come with me, please.”
Rising, the girl obeyed. Following her down the path to the other end of the great room, she sighed loudly. Inside the red-head’s workspace, she closed the door and waited.
“How do you like working with Phil?” Karma asked without preamble, her voice crisp as she spoke.
“I’m fine with him,” Clarisse lied, wishing she could spend her time with Charlie, instead.
“Indeed,” Karma grimaced for an instant. “You still act as if your will is a private matter; I assure you that it is not.”
Looking up at her, tears formed in Clarisse’s crystal blue orbs. “Go on then,” she sniffed. “What do you want from me?”
“I would like to see your seeker,” Karma smiled. “Please, show me how it works.”
Only hesitating for a moment, the blonde opened her hand and produced the device. Extending the appendage, she held the screen so they both could observe. “These were clients of mine,” she explained in a soft voice.
“Yes,” Karma exhaled loudly. “And?”
Touching her options one by one, she explained what each one did. The couple before them working on their yard, the man pushed a mower, while the woman appeared to be planting flowers along the front of the house. Clarisse recalled the night that Charlie had saved them from an attack by a burglar, who no doubt had been sent by Gous.
Sensing the girl’s thoughts, Karma smiled. “You know things are different now,” she stated quietly. She took the girl’s hand and folded it so that the small white rectangle disappeared.
“Yes,” Clarisse agreed. “I fear they will never be the same again.”
“No, they will not,” Karma soothed. “But your clients are safer, now that the Dark Angels have no reason to attack them; or should I say, no more reason than anyone else.”
“I know,” a tear escaped and trickled down to drip from her jaw. A sharp knock at the door interrupted them as Charlie pushed through the portal without waiting to be invited.
“Everything all right in here?” he asked quietly.
“Of course,” Karma stepped away from his mate, hiding her irritation at his fondness for her. “Only a little girl-talk,” she bounced around the desk and claimed her seat.
“I see,” he slid his arm around Clarisse, lifting her chin so that her soft blue gaze met his. “Hello, angel.”
“Hi, Charlie,” she smiled back at him.
“You two should run along,” Karma flicked the back of her hand at them, shewing them away as if they were children interrupting serious work. “Go have a day or two on your beach. I’ll call if I need you.”
Taking his love’s hand, Charlie whisked them away in an instant, happy to have time alone with his wife.
Young Love
“Isn’t this fun!” Annalise called to Lorren as they strolled through a garden. Vines hung from the trees, while birds sang out around them.
“Sure,” Lorren sounded less enthused. “It beats the middle of the desert, I guess.”
“It sure does,” Anna cupped a large magnolia flower, admiring the off-white petals and golden stems in the center. “So, how are you and Kari these days?”
Lorren paused, taken by surprise at the question. “We’re fine, I guess.” A teleporter with no telepathic abilities, it shocked her that Annalise would know about the couple and their blooming affair. Studying her for a long moment, she finally asked meekly, “Who told you?”
“Oh, young love is easy to see,” Anna grinned mischievously. “I don’t think there’s a soul in Purgatory who doesn’t know.”
“Really?” Lorren gasped, the idea of their secret being known knocking the wind out of her. “Well, we haven’t announced anything, so I really shouldn’t say.”
Annalise’s laughter tinkled lightly in the fragrant air. “You don’t need to announce. What you should do -”
“Thanks,” the younger girl interrupted her, facing her squarely, “But I’m sure I have this covered. I think we need to get back to our targets.”
Shaking her head, Anna felt sad that the girl had cut their conversation short. She had little opportunity for sharing, since Portia had vacated their room. Clarisse still occupied the space, but she being in the other plane had complicated their relationship. Charlie had suggested a setup using a baking tray and a bottle of baby powder, and that had at least allowed the roommates to share a few conversations, but it wasn’t the same as speaking to a live person.
“Ok,” she sighed reluctantly, dropping her flower and preparing to transport them as soon as Lorren communicated the destination.
An instant later, a pair of men bolted through the shrubs. Catching her by surprised, one of them knocked Anna to the ground and rendered her unconscious while landing blow after blow to her small frame.
Her eyes wide with fright, Lorren made an attempt to enter the men’s thoughts. She wanted to coerce them into giving up the attack, but found their minds guarded, protected by some kind of barrier. A sharp jab landing against her cheek, she fell to the ground and covered her head. Sobbing loudly, she cried out, mentally screaming for help.
Charlie, Dante, and Kari all heard her cry. Instantly transporting to her location, Charlie and Dante wasted no time bringing a few of the vines to life and using them to subdue the two attackers, at least long enough to transport everyone to Purgatory.
Dropping each of the girls on one of the couches in the atrium, Dante stormed around the room, pacing like a lion defending his pride. Glancing around anxiously, as if someone could have followed them, he growled, “Everyone ok?”
“No,” Kari clipped in panic. “Lorren’s been hurt!”
Charlie dropped to his knees next to the girl, observing that her face was badly cut, and that she had been beaten severely before they had arrived. Taking her hand in his, he mingled their spirits to calm her. “It’s ok, Lorren. I’m here,” he comforted her telepathically.
Assessing thei
r other housemate, Dante informed them, “Anna isn’t any better; I think she’s going into shock.”
“She’s pale, raise the tail,” Kari stated anxiously, snatching a few cushions from the back of the sofa and placing them under her feet.
“What?” Charlie demanded, confused by the brief phrase.
“It’s a trick for remembering how to treat a shock victim,” Dante soothed, recalling having heard it before. “Pale raise the tail, red, raise the head. You look at their face and decide which course is best.”
“Oh,” Charlie agreed with a small nod, turning Lorren’s hand over to Kari. “Here, you hold her. I’m goin’ back t’ deal with those two goons.”
“No, you’re not,” Dante wrapped his firm grasp around the younger man’s arm. “We got the girls away; we stay put and inform Karma before we do anything else.”
Yanking himself free, Charlie could feel the rage creeping up his neck and flushing his face. “I am a dispenser of justice, an’ those two deserve t’ be punished!”
“Save it for later, mate,” Kari warned. “Karma won’t forget their debt. Besides, it seems a little odd they would attack any of us, don’t you think?”
Glaring at the blond with his chest heaving, Charlie’s mind remained clouded by adrenaline. Blinking a few times, he could hear the words, but their meaning became lost in the shroud of anger that engulfed him.
“Charlie!” he heard Clarisse’s voice cutting through the haze.
“What?” he coughed, looking around and realizing by the number of people in the room that he had blacked out for a moment or two. “Where did everyone come from so fast?”
“Fast? You’ve been in a trance for about five minutes,” Dante bit sharply, coming down hard on his underling. “You need to get a serious grip on that temper of yours, buddy. Someday, it’s going to cost you.”
It already has, Charlie silently admitted to himself. Crossing the plane, he located Clarisse and pulled her into his arms. “It’s ok; I’m ok,” he rubbed her arm firmly as she shed actual tears. “Baby, what’s the matter?” He didn’t think she felt that strongly about either of the girls, so her reaction mystified him.
“They were attacked,” she spoke between ragged breaths. “Like my clients used to be.”
“Yeah,” he agreed, squeezing her tighter, “I bet it was Gous.”
“Maybe,” Karma joined them, ushering them into the great room on the other side of the house. “But we can’t be sure without a bit of investigation.”
Following her lead, the pair moved to one of the sets of chairs that formed the two large conversation areas and sat down. Stroking her hand, arm, and back, in turns, Charlie continued to comfort his wife. “It’s ok, love. They’ll be ok; you can’t blame yourself for this.”
A tray of tea appeared on the table before them. Taking one of the small cups and pouring in a bit of the golden liquid, Charlie glanced at the woman who had taken a seat on the couch across form them. “Thanks,” he offered. “This’ll calm her a bit.”
“Yes,” Karma agreed, waiting for the pair to be ready for instruction.
Catching the silky cascade that hung between them, Charlie pushed her hair back and lifted her chin. “Here, baby; take a sip.” Helping her to hold the fine china steady, the edge touched her lips and she noisily drew a swallow from the top.
“That’s good,” she breathed quietly. “Always tasty when Karma makes it.” She smiled weakly in an attempt to appear more at ease.
“Just relax,” Karma implored, her back stiff as she sat, hands in her lap. Her typical red suit a nice contrast to her dark skin, she appeared genuinely concerned over the incident.
A few minutes and a second cup later, Clarisse appeared to have regained control of her faculties. “I’m ok,” she said more firmly.
“Good,” Karma rose, pacing slightly as she dismissed the service tray and its contents. “I have a small task for the two of you. It must be you, since you know who it is that I need.”
“Who you need?” Charlie stood, an uneasy feeling twisting his gut. “What’re you talkin’ about?”
“I need to speak to Father,” she informed him directly.
“Father!” Clarisse gasped, also finding her feet. Recalling that she had already stated she knew all of the light angels, as well as the dark ones, it shocked her more that she would actually send them after him.
“Surly you are joking,” Charlie shook his head. “That old codger is a waste o’ time. He speaks in riddles an’ never tells you anything you wanna know.”
“Well, perhaps I can be a bit more persuasive,” Karma smiled at his assessment. “Either way, I must speak to him at once.”
“Ok,” Charlie agreed reluctantly. “How do we find him?”
Karma cut her eyes over at the girl, waiting for her to reply. Glaring back at her for a long moment, Clarisse finally opened her hand and said quietly, “I can do it.”
Staring at the device that lay in her palm, Charlie gasped, “Where did you get that?”
“I’ve had it ever since Destiny gave it back to me; after I came back from being Donna. I thought she would take it away from me, but she hasn’t. I’ve been scared to use it, though,” she confessed quietly.
Steadying her hand, Charlie thought about the dream, the one that was actually a memory of the time she had shown him how to use a seeker before. “Wow,” he breathed, aware that Karma had left them. “Well, I guess we go bag us an ol’ man and drag his ass back here, asap. See if Karma can make him tell us what’s really goin’ on.”
Old Enemies
The minutes ticked by while Clarisse accessed client after client. “I don’t think that he will be associated with any of my charges,” she confessed.
“Can you peek in on any o’ his?” Charlie whispered, feeling odd about the deceptiveness of their actions.
“Yes, I did that last time,” she recalled the previous time they had needed to find the oldest of the Light Angels. “But I don’t have access to all of them; only a few. Give me a minute, and let me try a few other tricks.”
Watching the flicker of the screen, Charlie frowned. “Well, shit.”
“What’s the matter?” she glanced up at his twisted features.
“Is that where he is?” he indicated the image.
“That’s that girl, isn’t it,” Clarisse watched the plump figure behind a register making change for someone.
“Yeah, the one you ruined my date with,” he accused before playfully kissing her cheek. “It’s ok, love. We have each other now, so le’s not fight over th’ past.”
The scene still playing out before them, Brett came into view and slapped Tabs on the bottom. “Son of a bitch,” Charlie growled as he watched his arch rival bend over and kiss his former best friend.
Her brow furrowed, Clarisse did not feel any better seeing the two of them together. “She is one of Father’s charges,” she confessed softly. “Perhaps we can locate him there.”
“You bet we can,” Charlie grasped her arm firmly and transported them to the Dairy Queen. Moving within the safety of the magical plane, he walked among his old enemies with ease. “You’d think these guys would grow up and get some real jobs,” he announced as he watched Brett and Tabitha working side by side.
“I think he’s the manager here,” Clarisse informed him, still studying her device. “You’ve been gone a year, and much has changed in your absence.”
“Yeah,” he agreed, still glowering at the couple. “I haven’t been back since we sold the house. As a matter of fact, Brett’s daddy bought it.” Unable to restrain himself any longer, he delved into Tabitha’s mind, unable to believe the joy that emanated from her as she carried on with the boy that had made their lives hell.
“Oh my God,” he gasped.
“What is it?” Clarisse closed her hand, darkening the device for the time being. “I’ll try again in a few minutes.”
“She’s pregnant,” his voice shook, his hands forming fists at his side. “Th
e sorry bastard got her knocked up!”
Catching his arm before he pounced on the unsuspecting male, Clarisse pointed out in a gentle rebuke, “I think they’re married, hun. Look at her fingers.” Sure enough, the gold band caught the light as she moved to wipe down tables.
His mouth hanging open, Charlie stared as she worked, her belly hiding her unborn child. I can’t believe she married him. “Why would she do such a thing?” he asked hoarsely.
“Because they fell in love,” Father announced in his booming round voice.
“Father!” Clarisse exclaimed, overtaken with joy to see her old mentor. “I did what you asked,” she informed him after she had hugged him firmly. Standing up straight, she showed him her ring. “We’re married now as well.”
“Yes,” the old man smiled, “and rightly so.”
Turning to the pair, Charlie growled, “We need to take this somewhere else. I’m gonna be sick if I stay here any longer.” Pushing them towards the door, he led them out to the sidewalk and down the path that ran next to the road. Once they were a safe distance from the store, he stopped to face Father squarely. “Karma wants to see you,” he stated flatly.
“Yes, I am aware,” Father agreed. “However, I will pay her a visit in my own time.”
“I don’ think it works that way,” Charlie towered over him. “Too much crazy shit goin’ on, an’ I’m in no mood to argue. We’re going back t’ Purgatory, an’ you’re goin’ with us.”
“Am I?” Father ambled along the trail, making his way closer to Charlie’s childhood home. Arriving at the driveway, he paused to stare up at the stately old structure. A ladder lay leaned against the side and men moved about, making repairs and adding a new coat of paint to the outside.
“They’re fixin’ it up,” Charlie observed, a tremor in his voice. The town had never had more than a couple of thousand residents, and he wondered who would be fool enough to move to such a limited environment. “Maybe Brett’s dad is gonna re-sell it,” he observed hopefully.