The Karma Set - Summer Spirit Novellas 4 - 6 Page 14
“Tabitha and Brett own it now,” Father folded his hands over his large round belly. “From what I can tell, your room is going to be the nursery.”
“Stop it,” Clarisse bit angrily. “Why are you torturing him so? Can’t you see it hurts him, to know that the two of them ended up together?”
“My dear Clarisse, why should Charlie be bothered by it? She was nothing more than a play thing to him. He never had any intention of taking care of her; of making a life with her. She was convenient, nothing more,” Father rubbed salt in Charlie’s fresh wounds.
“How would you know what she meant to me? It’s not like -” Charlie stopped abruptly, the inkling of a memory catching light and shining brightly. “You knew who I was,” he accused. “When Clarisse was training me, after I died. We met you, and you said you knew who I was.”
“Of course I knew,” Father chuckled. “You and Tabitha were inseparable as children, all the way through high school. It would have been impossible for me to be her guardian and not at least be aware of your existence.”
Charlie stared at him, his chest heaving. Something about the old man hadn’t felt right, even from the beginning. His practiced lies held deception, Charlie felt sure of it.
“Be careful, Charlie,” the elder man warned, “I see rage in your eyes. Be sure it does not consume you.”
“Shut up,” the boy bit angrily. “We’ve listened t’ you for too long, taken you at your word too many times. Karma wants t’ see you. We go to Purgatory, now, or you an’ I are gonna find out which one o’ us is the strongest.”
“Charlie!” Clarisse gasped, unable to believe her ears. “How dare you threaten Father! Have you any idea who he is?”
“No, I don’ have a clue,” he didn’t take his eyes off his target, “An’ neither do you. What I do know is that secrets and lies have surrounded this guy for longer than you’ve been around, an’ he’s sucked us into them. Him an’ his alien friends.”
“Oh, Charlie; don’t be so dramatic,” Father chuckled, stepping towards him and extending a hand.
Refusing to take the appendage, Charlie slapped it away, “You heard me, old man. Purgatory. Now. And don’ make me say it again.”
Imperfect Being
The air of the house felt cool around them when the trio landed in the atrium. Looking down at the couches, Charlie could see the stains of blood on the furniture where his friends had lain only a few hours before. The house seemed calm, and for a moment he felt panic that they had taken too long in their mission. Reaching out mentally to Karma, he demanded, “Where are the girls?”
“They’re resting in their rooms,” she supplied in kind before appearing next to him, smiling that he had chosen to contact her in the intimate manner. “Father,” she said aloud, offering him her hand.
Taking her fingers, the older man raised them to his lips, kissing them lightly. “My dear Karma. Always a pleasure.”
Clarisse took Charlie’s hand, her digits trembling. Life had been so simple only a short time ago. A Summer Angel, she had been content to flit about the world, helping people to have better lives. Now one of Karma’s minions, she felt lost and alone, even with her husband by her side.
“He’s delivered,” Charlie stated loudly, giving the girl a squeeze. “I don’ think you need us for the rest…”
“No,” Karma agreed, dismissing them, “I’ll take it from here.”
Transporting them to their beach, Charlie dropped into the soft earth, his knees buckling beneath him. Burying his face in his hands, a strong gust of wind blew against him, carrying the smell of salt water and sanctuary on the air.
Hearing him sob, Clarisse ran her hands over his broad shoulders. “Don’t cry, love,” she pleaded.
“I can’t help it,” he sniveled, pulling her down in front of him and then into his arms. Hugging her tightly, as if she were the only strip of reality that remained, he gasped. “It’s wrong. Everything’s wrong. Nothing in my life has ever been what it seemed.”
Unable to deny his claims, she held him, her own tears falling unchecked. “I’m so sorry, love. If I had known, I swear to you I would have said. I never would have kept the truth from you.”
“I know,” he relaxed his hold, allowing her to sink into the granules so he could stare into her eyes. Tracing the line of her jaw, he clenched his teeth, baring them in anger. “They lied t’ you, too. Used you, maybe even worse than they used me.”
Her lip trembling, she nodded her agreement. “What will we do?”
“I don’ know. I feel like you’re Donna, an’ I’m about t’ lose you all over again.”
“No,” she panted, shaking her head slowly, “Not this time.” Getting to her feet, she offered him her hand.
Placing his digits into her warm palm, he stood, admiring how her eyes fell only an inch or so below his. “I’m sorry,” he stammered.
“Don’t be sorry,” she breathed, placing her lips against his stubbled cheek. “I love you as you are; an imperfect being in an imperfect world.” Her fingers dug into his flesh, moving up his chest and forcing the thin material of his shirt upwards with them.
In the blink of an eye, Charlie removed the garment for her, allowing her to feel the hardness of his muscles unimpeded. The fire kindled within him, he sighed. “How can you think o’ makin’ love at a time like this?”
“How can you not?” she challenged, pushing him towards the bed he had made for her.
“Temptress,” he breathed, catching her mouth and crushing her lips beneath his. Moaning, he discarded her clothing with no more than a thought, and traced the line of her bare ribs with his fingers. Hoisting her into his arms, he stepped onto the platform. The fine material of the walls caught in the wind and rustled around them.
Lowering her onto the mattress, he sighed, “I will never get enough of you.” Hovering over her, he paused, his fingers sliding over her smooth skin.
“Charlie,” she whimpered, fire burning within her. Only one man had ever touched her; as Donna, she had broken off her relationship with her body’s previous boyfriend without ever knowing him in the flesh. As Clarisse, there had only ever been one. Lifting her face, she kissed him, then sucked on his lip. Her fingers buried in his brown curls, the tips tingled against his scalp.
Feeling him against her, he panted, and her breaths grew light and quick. “I will consume you,” he whispered against her ear, sending shivers to the depths of her being.
“Yes,” she hissed, lost in their throws of passion. Clarisse didn’t care anymore about Karma or Keeper. The twins didn’t matter, and Father meant nothing to her. She had found her place; in the arms that she would give anything for, and the love she would do anything to protect.
Karma’s Desire
Purgatory appeared in total darkness when Charlie and Clarisse arrived home the following night. They had spent two days in their love nest, enjoying the pleasures of one another’s flesh, only pausing long enough to eat when they could no longer resist. Eventually falling into exhausted slumber, the pair had awoken at sunset, and decided they had stayed away as long as they dared.
Standing in the atrium, Charlie clasped Clarisse’s fingers firmly and guided her through the house. The kitchen empty, they passed through the narrow hall and into the great room on the other side. Finding the sitting areas equally deserted, the pair climbed the stairs, suspecting their housemates might be asleep.
Peeking into the first two rooms, all of the beds were empty and the chairs unoccupied. The bathrooms and showers sat in silence, also unused at the moment. In their rooms on the far end, Charlie could see that Kari did not lie in his bunk, nor did Annalise in hers. “Where the hell is everyone?” he growled, drawing Clarisse closer to him in a protective manner.
Descending the stairs on their end, they arrived in the kitchen. Making the turn onto the next set of steps, they quickly surveyed the offices in the basement, finding them to also be deserted.
Climbing to the first floor, a flash of light
ning lit up the space, bright through the glass walls; a moment later, thunder rumbled nearby. “Wow, that was close,” he breathed, still holding her close to him. “I wonder where everyone has gone?”
A torrent of rain slammed against the house, a loud roar filling the space. “This doesn’t feel right,” he guided her over to the window where they could watch the deluge. “It’s hasn’t rained a single time since I’ve been here.”
“What do you think is causing it?” she whispered back.
Seeing the barn through the darkness, illuminated by flashes of light, he replied, “I’m not sure. But there’s one more place we can look.”
“I’ve never been in there,” Clarisse informed him.
“No, I don’ suppose that you have,” he agreed; “Tha’s Karma’s private space. But, it’s the only place left, an’ I think we should take a peek.” Grasping her fingers firmly, he transported them into Karma’s haven.
A clap of thunder echoed as soon as they materialized in the center of the dimly lit room. All around the walls, small fires danced at the tops of slender candles. The dark, heavy curtains hung in place, hiding the screens that Karma used for viewing the world outside.
His eyes ready after the darkness of the house, Charlie gasped at the circle of Forgotten Angels, all on their knees and facing Karma in their center. “Good of you to join us,” she said when he noticed her.
Leaving Clarisse alone in the magical plane, he became visible to the others. “Uh, hi,” he stammered. “Mind if we ask what’s going on?”
“Not at all,” Karma raised her arm, the sleeve of her long red gown hanging from the appendage in a shimmering cascade that almost reached the floor. “We’ve been sharing what we know about those who stand against us.”
“Oh,” Charlie shuddered at the raspy sound of her voice. “Well, would you like for us to stay?”
“Absolutely,” Karma agreed, motioning for two of their comrades to make room for them. Inching their way around, the gaps between the rest grew more narrow as sufficient space was created between Portia and Dante.
Taking a knee next to his friend, Charlie could feel Clarisse’s presence as she slid in between him and the other female. Clearing his throat anxiously, he addressed Karma in the calmest voice he could muster; “What would you have of us?”
“Open your minds to me,” she implored, moving to stand before him. She had promised him at their joining that his thoughts would be his own, but for the moment, she needed to be clear in his intentions.
Dropping his head back, Charlie stared at the shadows playing on the ceiling above them. Relaxing into the chaotic rhythm, he exhaled loudly, willing himself to share with her. A tingle ran through his body, as if she were holding him as she had some months ago when he had pledged himself to her.
Clarisse whimpered softly beside him, but he remained completely focused on their leader. He inhaled deeply and pushed the air out through his nose, causing his nostrils to flare. Closing his brown orbs, the seconds ticked by until Karma spoke, her tone sounding more normal; “You are all free to go.”
Confused, Charlie opened his eyes to look around. Seeing everyone accounted for, except the visitor he had delivered a few days before, he asked, “What was this about, exactly?”
“Time is moving faster,” Karma smiled. “Quickly it runs through the hourglass, carrying us towards the choices that must be made; to the fight that must be won at all cost.”
“Fight,” he parroted, getting to his feet, “what fight, Karma? I’m getting’ tired of your games,” he clipped, wondering if the examination had anything to do with Father’s visit.
“Don’t worry,” she soothed, her hand indicated the house through the wall, “The hour is close, but has not arrived.”
Not convinced, he repeated, “Who’s gonna fight against us? You know that me an’ Clarisse will stand up for you; we’ve taken your side.”
“I know that you have; I have seen it in your eyes and felt it in your mind only a moment ago,” she insisted. “Go inside, out of the storm. I have searched all the souls in Purgatory, and found all to be worthy of my house.”
Charlie heard her words and cut his gaze over to glare at Phillip. “What about him?” he indicated the older man doubtfully.
“I have a special path for him to walk,” Karma smiled mysteriously. “Do not trouble you heart over him. He will serve his purpose soon enough.”
Thinking they were going to get rid of him, Charlie grinned to himself, a twist of pleasure in his gut at the idea of finally seeing the other man removed. Squaring his shoulders, he waited as the others disappeared, presumably to turn in for the night. “I’ll see you in a few minutes,” he informed Clarisse, sending her away with them, but unable to see the displeasure etched on her face.
“Karma, I hate t’ disagree with you in front o’ the others,” he began, but she shot him a look that stopped him cold.
“Then don’t,” she retorted sharply. “I guard my secrets closely, and you have heard all that is meant for your ears.”
His jaw rocking from side to side, he waited. When he showed no sign of obeying, she scolded, “You are a stubborn man, Charles Phillips.”
“Yeah,” he nodded anxiously; “Give me somethin’,” he implored. “Anything that’ll make me feel better about all o’ this.”
Exhaling loudly, Karma glared at him. “Phil will do his part, as will you. I have another reward for you, for your service, but I’m not ready to divulge it yet. Now be gone, before you force me to punish you,” her eyes darted up and down his tall frame. “Or do you desire my company for the evening?” she teased in a gravelly voice, her desire unmistakable.
“Punish me,” he chuckled, recalling that things had gone relatively smoothly inside Purgatory since Clarisse had agreed to join them. “I doubt that you would; an’ no, I don’ need your company, so I’ll leave.” Materializing in his room, he could instantly feel Clarisse’s presence and shifted to her plane.
“I thought you were going to bed,” he stated stiffly.
“I was waiting to say goodnight,” she raised her chin defiantly.
Charlie glared at her for a moment before taking her in his arms, aware that she had wanted to be sure that he slept in his own bed. Hugging her firmly, he sighed, “Sorry, love. Go get some sleep. We shouldn’t waste time or energy on worry. I’m sure this’s all gonna work out eventually.”
Visiting Hours
Charlie smoothed the front of his suit with one hand, a large bouquet of flowers gripped in the other. Staring at the numbered panel, the floor to his mother’s office glowed dimly. Just breathe, he reminded himself. He had spoken to her each week as promised, but he had not been for an actual visit since going to Purgatory, almost five months prior. Too long.
Karma had arranged their evening together; a surprise for both of them, she said. Charlie had been nervous ever since she informed him of the event, and tried desperately to remain calm. Keeping his secret when all he could do was make objects move had been hard enough; how am I going to hide all that I am now?
Stepping off the elevator, he exhaled loudly and then turned to the left. Following the hallway, he arrived outside of the marketing firm where she worked. Seeing the glass doors, he paused. What the hell?
BETHANY PHILIPS appeared in gold block letters; the bottom of six names, but it was there. Did she get a promotion? Pushing on the entrance, Charlie squared his shoulders and prepared himself to find out. “I’m here to see Beth Phillips,” he advised the young woman behind the front desk.
“One moment,” the girl replied, lifting the phone and pressing a button. “Ms. Phillips? There’s a young man here to see you.”
Charlie shifted his weight from one foot to the other; he could hear her muffled voice through the device. Unable to make out his mother’s words, all he could do was wait.
“Oh, he’s young… handsome. Brown wavy hair and heavenly brown eyes,” the girl grinned as she described him. “And he’s in a suit.”
On the other end of the line, Beth considered who could be there when her calendar was empty. Eventually giving in, she stated. “I’ll come and get him.” Hanging up, she shuffled a few things on her desk so she could find her place when she returned, then stood and strutted down the hall. Turning the corner, her jaw dropped in surprise, “Charlie!”
Grinning sheepishly, he shifted the flowers from one hand to the other; “Hello, mom.”
Her navy business dress fit her frame perfectly, accentuating the curves he had never known she had. Stepping towards him, she squeezed him tightly and tears streamed down her face. Wiping at them quickly, she ushered him down the hall, stammering, “My office is this way, son.”
Glancing into the offices that they passed, he observed men and women at tables and desks, all working diligently on various projects. When he arrived at his mother’s, he stepped inside, his mouth briefly opening in awe. Before him stood a large table at the perfect height to work at while standing, but two chairs sat next to it for sitting as well. Along the far left wall, a large desk stood, and a floor to ceiling window made up the exterior behind it.
“Holy shit, mom,” he shoved his offering at her. “This isn’t the job you got!” Arriving at the window, he stared down at the street below, “Is it?”
“Well, yes and no,” she beamed, sniffing at a few of the buds before pushing a button on her phone and announcing, “Alice, do we have a vase around here we can put these in?”
“Yes, ma’am,” the receptionist replied. “I’ll bring one in.”
Clicking again to end the connection, Beth bit her bottom lip for a moment. Looking down at herself, she flushed, “I guess you’re not the only one who’s been rehabilitating.”
“No kidding,” he replied, his voice taking on a hint of anger. “How much weight have you lost?” he indicated the lighter Beth standing before him.