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A New Life Series - Starter Kit Page 5
A New Life Series - Starter Kit Read online
Page 5
In the light of day, Tori knew she had to be patient, but in the cover of darkness, she began to toy with him, pressing her body against his until he relented, allowing himself to explore her more fully. He began by caressing her through her thin cotton tees and shorts, but refused to move into the realm of bare skin. Even this small amount of attention had her panting, and she yielded easily to his touch, frustrated that the act only left her wanting more.
In the weeks and months they shared in this manner, Tori's needs became stronger. Henry’s stroking had begun to make her moist between her legs during the night. In the morning, she would have a thick mass of clear mucus wetting her panties, and she would do her best to hide what plagued her thoughts the most. Her need becoming raw within her, she grew afraid that the others might see it and know her unclean thoughts.
In desperation, she began to seek out locations where she could clean herself and explore her hidden areas in private. She allowed herself to wonder about Henry, to think and dream about his body. She yearned to run her hands across his chest, the thick carpet of dark curls beckoning, and she hated the way he kept it hidden from her, seldom removing his shirt when she was close enough to steal a caress.
Inside her head, Tori felt as if she were going mad, unable to stop the random feelings of desire. Her mind no longer easy to control, her thoughts were often distracted to a singular idea—the craving to be touched in the darkness by the one man who seemed completely unwilling to do so.
Just when she felt she couldn’t take anymore, Eddie announced her training had come to an end, and it would soon be time to leave the camp for good. In celebration of the event, Paul Edwards and David Long were sent to the nearest metropolis to shop for her new wardrobe and their final load of supplies.
Tori had never left the camp before and could only imagine the world at large through her books and the stories that the men shared with her. The idea of getting new clothes thrilled her, and scared her at the same time, as things were changing so quickly around her, and it was completely beyond her control.
When the pair returned to the camp, they presented her with two pairs of new jeans, shirts in her larger size, several pairs of lacy panties, and two new bras to hold her swollen badges of womanhood. She had never seen or owned a bra before, and explored them for several minutes, pulling on the elastic straps and fingering the tiny hooks. She could feel her face flush when she realized what they were for.
The twelve men that made up the Dragons had gathered around when they presented her with her new wardrobe, and she felt shy standing before them. Tori had spent her whole life in that place with those men, but things were shifting, and a feeling of anxiety twinged in the back of her mind. She smiled nervously as she looked around the circle of familiar faces, but the eyes that stared back at her were changed, darker, and the smiles more like snarls dripping with lust.
A scent hung in the air she had never smelt before, and it struck fear deep inside her. Tori said her thank-yous to her two benefactors, and as the darkness fell, she made her way to the small cabin to make dinner as usual. Still, she could not help but think about the evening's events, and the sense that something terrible was moving towards her.
Later that night, after the meat and potatoes were gone, the group disbanded to their usual places of rest. Henry helped Tori put out the fire and clean up the cabin that served as their kitchen in silence. She could feel him watching her, as he had done many times before, but this night she found no comfort in his gaze. She suddenly felt overcome with fear; fear that she might get her wish and finally feel his hands upon her bare flesh.
When the last of the chores were finished, Tori looked around the small room, desperately searching for some other task to occupy her for a few more minutes. As her eyes roamed, Henry sidled up beside her, placing his hands on her hip and waist, pushing them around to embrace and pull her in front of him. She had reached an equal height to him long ago, and he found her mouth easily as he leaned forward slightly to kiss her.
Tori allowed the kiss, but her body stiffened and she could hear her heart pounding in her ears. She had wanted this, but with the moment at hand, she felt petrified with the realization of it. His lips moved over hers; he nuzzled her cheek, sliding his hand up her back to the nape of her neck. His fingers massaged the tender areas of her neckline and scalp while his other hand made a circle over the small of her back, and she could feel his hardness pressed against the front of her.
Tori grew tense, panic rising inside of her, but patiently Henry stepped back and grasped her trembling digits. With his free hand, he dowsed the light of the cabin and led her out into the darkness, across the camp to their hammock. She saw no sign of the others, but could not overcome the sensation of being watched.
When they reached the secluded spot, Henry stopped, dropping her hand while turning to face her. Grasping the hem of his shirt, he lifted it over his head and let it fall to the ground. Standing before him, Tori could see the light of a full moon sifting through the shadows of the trees above them, and falling on the mass of hairs that covered his chest, glistening silver and black. She swallowed hard as she stared at the rise and fall of the thick rug as he breathed, calmly waiting for her to respond.
Nervously, she moved to survey their surroundings, but he quickly caught her waist, pulling her to him again, with a warning to keep her eyes and mind on him. “There’s nothin’ out there for ya, baby girl,” he whispered against the curve of her neck, “Lay with me.” He seemed nervous, and she wondered briefly why he had finally given in to her open advances of the last few months.
As he held her, their bodies swaying gently in the breeze, Tori raised her right hand, her fingers sliding through the thick curls covering his chest. She could feel his breath heaving beneath them as she found a nipple and twirled a pointed digit around it. She lowered her face to peek at it, her breath tickling him and causing him to shudder.
Instantly, Tori became lost in a rush of emotion, as the weeks and months of impure thoughts caught up to her. She worked her fingers more deeply into his pelt, feeling the hardness of the muscle below. Her left hand moved around to his smooth, moist back, pressing him tighter against her.
Turning her face upward, she moved to kiss him, and he pressed his mouth against hers. She had never kissed a man before, and found the experience thrilling as she tasted him and felt the brush of his short whiskers against her soft skin. He was not gentle in his actions, and Tori became enflamed with his urgency.
Stepping back a short way, she grabbed her own shirt and peeled it away as he had done. Going a step further, she stripped away the rest of her clothing just as quickly, relishing the cool air that soothed her burning skin, and she enjoyed the full rush of her desire to feel his hands upon her. Henry did not make her wait.
As they closed the short distance between them, he started at her hips, gliding his fingers easily up along her waist to cup her breasts, allowing his thumbs to slide gently across her firm points. Their hands frantic as they slid over one another's bodies, Tori uttering a small groan of annoyance at meeting the top of his pants on the way down to explore him further.
With a free hand, Henry pulled the button and zipper of his jeans loose, allowing them to fall in one motion. He took a step back out of the leggings and boots, and then tightened his arm, moving her with him towards the hammock. Leaning back into the swing, he stretched out, and she quickly scrambled on top of him, sliding slightly to one side so that she could continue to discover his nakedness.
She found his manhood stiff and swollen, her fingers trembling as she moved from the tip to the base, eager to uncover all the secrets it might possess. Henry's hand moved to her face, and he traced the line of her jaw with his fingertips, sliding them to her lips to part them and sneak his thumb inside. As he retracted the stubby digit, she turned slightly, folding herself so that she could reach him and slip her tongue around the head of his shaft before taking him into her mouth and massaging him for several
While Tori busily pleasured her lover, he explored the parts of her he had never dared to touch. His fingers slid down along her back; he reached the top of her buttocks and delved into the crack between. As he pushed his fingers further, they raked across the folding skin of her rear, and she startled slightly at the unfamiliar touch.
Not stopping, Henry continued further down and around until he reached the moist folds of skin and hair that covered her small opening, then slipped his fingers inside the hot wet hollow. Forcing them deeper, he reached the hard pebble that hid beneath its small coat of flesh, and massaged it with a free finger, while her tongue made slow laps around the head of him, teasing him as she worked.
Finally, he had to stop her before she finished him, as he wanted to save that until he had found his way inside her. Tori lifted her head and looked at him with questioning eyes, and his lips curved into a smile as he sucked on the digits that were covered in her gooey glaze.
With a pulling motion, he turned her so that she lay beneath him in the hammock, her legs spread, and he kneeling between her knees. He looked down at her, their bodies bathed in moonlight, and he stared into her eyes as he pushed himself forward until he had thrust himself inside of her. Tori was not prepared for the sharp pain the motion brought, and the air being forced from her lungs in a spasm of agony when he fully took her and rested on top of her.
Lying still and allowing her to catch her breath, he continued to gaze into her deep pools of blue moon glow. Tori clawed at his chest and back for a moment, small gasps of pain escaping her wide open mouth. Henry's eyes dropped to her moist swollen lips, then returned to her sensual eyes, as he moved his right hand up to push through her long tresses and rest against the side of her head in a comforting fashion.
Sliding his thumb over the skin on her face in front of her ear, he lowered his mouth to hers, gently kissing her lips and nuzzling her cheek. Soon, the pain subsided, and she began to respond to his caresses, able to breathe more normally. When he began to flex his hips, moving inside of her, tears slipped from her eye and dropped onto the hand that covered her ear as it soothed her.
A Walk in the Park
Tori sat in the chair, nervously rubbing her finger across the metal beads that ran along the arms. She had no idea what had possessed her to share her story about Henry, and now that she had, she felt ashamed of what they had done. Although her face showed no emotion, a deep sadness gripped her, as she recalled it had been the last time he would ever touch her.
Wanting her to continue, Dr. Carlisle sat patiently waiting, an encouraging smile teasing the corners of his lips, but she did not. With a small sigh, he allowed the story to end, but made a note to pick up there again later. “You’re making fine progress,” he said aloud as he stood and walked her to the door of his office.
Tori made no reply. Instead, she stepped into the hall and headed towards the fountain. When she reached the foyer of the building, she sat on the stone edge of the giant spout that had taken her breath away the day she had arrived, her mind still lost, trapped in the bush country of Brazil.
Staring at the ripples and then closing her eyes, Tori listened to the murmur of the running water, her skin warmed by the rays of the sun that shown in through the glass above her. She wasn't sure how long she had been sitting there, when a familiar and friendly voice called her name.
Tori raised her head to find Special Agent Eli Founder standing next to her, grinning from ear to ear, as usual. She considered this for a moment, finding it confusing that he would always be in such good spirits when he visited her, and suspected he was actually high.
Reluctantly, she rose and they walked together towards the cafeteria in silence. Eli had become quite accustomed to her temperamental behavior, so her actions did little to surprise him. Earlier that day, he had a crazy thought occur to him, and he became especially excited at the possibilities. Yet, walking beside her, he felt nervous at the prospect of proposing the idea to her, and eventually to the Committee. Eli wanted the girl to come and live with him upon her release from the hospital, in his spare room.
He knew it wasn't part of the plan, but he had been thinking that she would need a place. If she did not go to prison, since she had no family to go to if none could be found, it would be a place she would be accepted. As they walked on without speaking, he got cold feet and suddenly thought better of mentioning it, opting for another time to make the suggestion.
After collecting their trays, the pair made their way to Tori's usual spot and began eating. Her somber mood continued, and Eli began to grow uncomfortable, realizing this was more than her typical behavior. When they had finished their meal, she had still not spoken a word to him, so after they dropped off their dirty trays, he guided her out into the garden, where they walked until they found her bench and sat down. Tori sat to his right and leaned her chin against her hands as her elbows dug into her knees in a slumping position.
Eli leaned back against the large tree that grew behind half of the bench like a chair back, reaching over with his right hand to run his fingers lightly down her spine. The action touched Tori much deeper than her skin, and she sat back slightly so that she could cock her head just a bit and peer at him over her left shoulder. Continuing to stroke her, he playfully pushed her hair out of the way and smiled at her, waiting her for to speak.
After several minutes of petting, Tori sat back, taking her half of the tree, “I told Dr. Carlisle something I shouldn't have.”
Eli eyed her suspiciously for a moment before he asked, “What do you mean 'shouldn't have?' I think you are allowed to tell him anything you like.”
“No,” Tori disagreed, her face clearly drawn in pain, “Not this. I told him about something that happened between Henry and I. Something private and special that should never have been told to anyone.” She blinked quickly to stop the tears from falling, but the action came too late, as Eli had already noticed them welling up in her crystal blue eyes.
She turned away from him and sat watching the birds as they danced lightly in the sunlight. Today, it did not cheer her, and she slumped forward again, elbows on her knees. When he raised his hand to stroke her, she turned her head to beg, “Please don't touch me,” so he dropped his hand and waited. He had never seen her show any emotion other than anger and realized that even though painful for her, she was actually coming to a better place.
After an extended wait, he finally asked what he could do, so Tori leaned against the tree once more, briskly brushing away the tracks on her cheeks. Then, looking at him from the corner of her eye, asked in a low voice, “Would you like to hear my story?”
Immediately his heart began to pound. The same story she just said she shouldn't have told?
His shock evident on his face, she went on to explain, “I told him the beginning, but I didn't even come close to finishing it. Besides, I think it would be better if you heard it.” Tori stopped there, but in her heart she knew Eli had become her special friend, and that someday she would have to share her past with him.
Eli pursed his lips as he considered the possible outcomes of letting her speak and the goal he had to reach. On the one hand, she had never been willing to divulge her past so readily, and he felt eager to hear what she had to say. On the other hand, the fact she had told the story once already and felt remorse at doing so, meant allowing it could backfire, and there would be a heavy price to pay in the end.
After weighing both sides equally, he gave his reply, “Tell me whatever you like, and I will keep your words in confidence.” Immediately, Eli wished he had not felt the need to lie, as nothing that she shared would remain a secret any longer.
“We should go back inside then,” she responded with apprehension, and looked around the foliage that surrounded them. Although she seldom saw others along the paths, the chance of being overheard was too great to remain seated in the sunshine, even if they were speaking French.
Back inside her tiny room, Tori closed the door a
nd then moved to sit on her bed with her back against the bathroom wall. Eli hesitated for a moment, then slipping off his shoes as she had done, and curled up beside her, back to the wall, as well.
Tori reached over, grasped her pillow and hugged it tightly to her chest. Inhaling deeply, she glanced at the man sitting with her for a moment, and then looked down at her lap before she began to speak. Slowly, she retold the same story for Eli as closely as she could to what she had recalled for Dr. Carlisle. However, she did not stop this time, and finished out the nights events for him in detail. After she had finished, she paused to peek at his reaction.
He stared at her intently as she spoke, and when her eyes shifted to meet his, he muttered, “Wow. That's really something. I really don't know what to say.”
“You don't have to say anything,” she stated in a low tone. “But if you aren’t ready to run out the door at this point, I might as well tell you the rest. Or more of the rest, I guess.” Eli nodded his agreement to listen on, so Tori took another deep, cleansing breath, and then dove into the events that followed.
Into the Darkness
What happened between Henry and Tori had not been private in the camp, as most of the other Dragons hid off in the shadow of the trees to watch. The next morning, unaware that Eddie was furious, Tori put on her old clothes, not wanting to wear the new ones.
She felt as if she were still naked whenever one of the crew looked her way. By lunch time, the tension had risen to more than she could stand, so she headed through the trails to the north end of their land, until she found her favorite pink trumpet tree.