A New Life Series - Starter Kit Read online

Page 6

As she ascended, her heart raced, and she did not stop until she had reached the highest point she dared to climb into the thinning branches. Once she had chosen her perch, she sat on the swaying limb, allowing the breeze to splash across her face and upturned nose until the sun sank low in the sky.

  Finally, she realized that there was no point in staying in the tree, as anyone who wanted her could simply climb up as well. As she began to descend, her stomach gave a low growl of hunger, but she muttered for it to shut up, as food had become the least of her worries.

  The sun had almost set when she arrived back at the cabin, expecting the guys to be preparing dinner. Instead, she found a sight that had shocked her to the core. Long ago, on three sides of the cabin, the group had built a series of short sheds that housed their motorcycles. Since the traveling group had remained in the camp a couple of years ago, they had only brought them out for trips to town once a month or so in turns.

  Now, the bikes had all been pulled from storage and polished until their chrome shone brightly in the setting sun, where they stood in a group waiting for their departure, twelve in all. A lump formed in Tori's throat as she realized how precarious her position was within the group.

  Holding her head up, she walked slowly forward, into the glow of the campfire that had been built in front of the cabin, just as it had been many nights before. Only this fire held no warmth for her as she stood before Eddie Farrell and looked him in the eye.

  Eddie had claimed all her life to be her father, but deep down she had never believed the lie. He had been her mentor, teaching her the art of hand to hand combat, but he had also been her nemesis. Often, he would hit her out of the blue or kick her whenever he felt the urge, claiming it would make her tough. She hated him for this, and for every beating he had ever given her.

  Tori had often suspected Eddie was jealous that she always chose the company of Henry over him. Now, her actions of the past night felt quite foolish, and she realized he would be angry with what she had done. Inwardly, she trembled in terror of him, but outwardly, she did her best not to show it.

  The time had passed for second guessing. As Brian had pushed to make her strong, Eddie had taught her to fight. Each man that surrounded her had poured what he knew into her empty vessel, and the time had come for her to take her place among them.

  She stopped squarely in front of the ring leader, her heart pounding wildly inside her chest as she faced him. Her chin raised slightly in defiance, she felt a cold breeze on her bare legs. She anticipated his opening swing, and the fight was on as they rolled out of the firelight, each taking jabs and making dodges into the shadowy edges of the night.

  Of course, Tori still lacked experience in true combat, and he bested her easily, finally knocking her to the ground where she lay on her back looking up at him. He kicked her several times in the ribs in anger, and she wondered why none of the onlookers came to her aid, especially Henry.

  Curled in a ball, Tori could feel the searing pain in her side and the tears of agony on her dirty face. Eddie dropped down on top of her, forcing her onto her back once more by sitting on her legs. Reaching down, he ripped her shirt off from the collar, exposing her bare breasts, the new bra nowhere in sight. She screamed in anguish as he leaned over, sinking his teeth deep into the soft flesh of her left breast.

  Henry stood silent and watched as Eddie imposed his wrath. When he sat up, Eddie wiped the blood from his mouth, laughing at her cries. “You stupid bitch,” he hissed. “Tears are for the weak!” and slapped her across her left cheek with the open face of his right hand.

  Tori stared up at him, trying to stop the flood of tears that streamed from her tender blue eyes. He stood up, releasing her legs, and she used her torn shirt to try and stop the flow of blood as it ran down her chest and dripped onto the ground. Pointing a finger in her face, he laughed again and poked the mutilated flesh with a growl, “Now, you will never forget your place.”

  Reaching down, he grabbed a hand full of her hair and dragged her to her feet, then across to the plain wooden table that stood in the center of their camp. Slamming her back on top of the rough wood, he grabbed the front of her shorts, pulling them open and then off as she struggled to resist him.

  Using his fist this time, he punched her, and she fell back against the flat surface and lay still as he finished removing the garments with ease. Dragging her rear to the edge of the table, he opened his own pants and pushed himself inside, snarling with satisfaction as the others looked on in silence.

  After a few minutes of work, he decided he needed to make his point clearer, so stepping back he rolled her limp body over, pushing himself into her again, clearly liking his new position much better. When he had finished, he moved away, allowing the other ten men of the group to have a turn at her if they wanted.

  As he watched, Henry swallowed back his tears and prayed she wouldn't regain consciousness while they were taking her. Eddie cleaned himself and headed towards the cabin to find dinner, stopping in front of Henry and stating flatly in his deep gravelly voice, “If you ever touch her again, I'll kill her,” before continuing on his way.

  After the others had had their fill, they too moved off into the night to eat and get some sleep. Henry didn't dare touch her or cover her body as she lay in the darkness. He sat on the ground, rocking back and forth next to the dying fire and waited for her to move. The hours passed slowly, and as the sun broke in the eastern sky, a low moan escaped her. Tori shifted, lifting her chest out of the pool of blood that had formed beneath her on the table. A huff of relief escaped Henry's lips as he realized she had survived the night.

  Moving slowly, Tori forced herself to stand, her breast throbbing and her knees weak as she stumbled a few feet, then sank feebly to the ground. She looked up to see Henry staring at her intently, but didn't bother to ask what had happened. She kneeled for several minutes before asking him what she should do. His reply, direct and honest. “Do what he says. Do exactly what he says, when he says, and how he says. Do it for as long as ya can, baby girl. It's th’ only way you’re gonna survive.”

  Tori found little comfort in his advice, and tried to move closer, reaching out to him. She lifted her hand towards him, but he pulled away. “I can't touch you, baby girl,” the pain in his mahogany colored eyes evident; “If I do, he’ll kill you.”

  Tori stopped moving, staring at him while the anger rose inside her. “Then I promise you,” she hissed in a low whisper, “Someday, I will put him in the ground.” Immediately, Henry winced, her words tearing at his heart; but deep down, he hoped that she would, and not the other way around.

  “Was I right to share this with you?” Tori asked as she reached a stopping point in her story. Her words were soft, and she felt exhausted by the experience.

  Eli had been staring out into space, but shifted his gaze to her immediately, sitting up straight and nodding profusely. “Of course,” he replied in earnest, “But it’s getting late, and I’m sure that’s not all you have to say.”

  Tori quickly agreed with both statements, and they decided to pick up the next evening, when he returned. Rising off the bed, Eli slipped his shoes on, and then moved towards the door, stopping short of it and turning around.

  She stepped closer to him, and he reached out for her hand, grasping it lightly between his fingers anxiously. “I need you to know something before you tell me anymore,” his voice cracked and he swallowed hard. “I came here today with the intention of asking you to move in with me.”

  Tori stared at him blankly; her mind tossed into chaos, she grasped the meaning of his words.

  “Not with me with me,” he stammered, “I mean into my spare room that I have that no one lives in.” He paused for a moment, trying to regain his composure. “I mean, I have a spare room in my apartment that is yours whenever you want or need it, no strings attached.” There, I said it.

  Tori stood another moment before leaning forward and slowly putting her arms around his shoulders in a strong embrace. El
i was slightly shorter than her, and she scrunched down somewhat as she felt his arms move around her waist in return.

  Squeezing him firmly, she whispered her gratitude, and then released him into the hallway, bidding him good night. As he walked down the hall and out the front door, his spirits were strangely high after hearing the gruesome story she had just shared. She had a way of doing that to him though, making him feel almost euphoric simply by being close to her. You sir, are in big trouble, he thought to himself wryly as he made his way to his car.

  A Friend in Deed

  Eli arrived early the next day, while Tori sat in a group session. Approaching the door, he could hear the muffled voices as they spoke, and see her through the narrow window made of safety glass. Seated in the circle of chairs, she held her back straight and chin raised in that stoic, defiant posture of hers.

  The sight caused him to chuckle, and he turned towards her room to wait for her. While he walked, he thought about how far she had already come, and yet how far she still had left to go. He had a job to do, but the longer he knew her, the less the job really meant to him.

  He had brought a gift for her today, hoping she would not be offended. She had received his last gift in a less than enthusiastic manner, a book of German fairytales, so he felt a bit timid about making a second attempt.

  When Tori left the session, she scurried to her room, wanting to brush her hair and prepare for her visitor. She never liked what they had to say in those stupid sessions anyway, and felt somewhat annoyed at even having to attend. Half the time, her mind had wandered over the events of yesterday and her confessions, first to Dr. Carlisle, and then to Eli.

  Instead of listening to the speaker, she used the time to plan what she would tell her new friend next. She had twenty years of memories; stories of pain and sadness to share. And while she had become aware this was something she wanted to do, she feared he would not be interested by the time they reached the end. Deciding to continue chronologically, she felt tense about what would be next.

  To her surprise, she discovered Eli already in her room, seated in his chair and looking out into the garden while he waited. He turned and stood, smiling as soon as she entered the room. Tori could feel her heart pounding, a slight smile teasing the corner of her lips before she could wipe it away.

  Eli reached down to pick up a single pink rose wrapped in plastic that lay on the table, and handing it to her said simply, “This is for you.”

  Tori stared down at the bright pink petals in awe for several seconds, not exactly sure what to do with an actual flower. Finally, she raised her eyes and shrugged, which gave Eli a short fit of laughter and he set off into her bathroom to search for something to put water in for the rose.

  Returning shortly with a plastic cup of water, he showed her how to unwrap the bloom and stand it in the container. “Ideally,” he explained, “You should trim the stem a small amount so that it can take up water better and last a bit longer.”

  Tori stared back at him, trying desperately not to allow her excitement at the gift to show. “So,” she began, resting the cup on the center of the table, then adjusting the rose inside of it nervously, “Are you ready for more torture by story, or have you heard enough?” Her face expressionless, she genuinely hoped he would be willing to hear more.

  Eli agreed to more torture, but only after they had dined. Together, they strolled through the halls towards the cafeteria, Eli making small talk along the way.

  Tori really liked that about him, the way he would talk to her in a low, whispery voice. She also liked the way he spoke to her in French at the moment. Good practice he called it. On the inside, she beamed with joy and could not have cared less if the whole room noticed them and stared.

  After their meal, they made a pass through the garden, and Tori took the opportunity to show off a little by pointing out some of the bird species for him. Eli smiled wistfully, lightly grasping the fingers of her hand as it hung next to his for a moment before he released her. As they stood only inches apart, he had suddenly realized the danger they were in. Reluctantly, he took a step back before his temptation overcame him, and he kissed her.

  Sensing his discomfort, a scowl flittered across her features before she made her way back to the glass door and then her room in silence. She felt confused by his actions, as if she were lost, trapped between all that had happened to her and all the things she didn't understand.

  When they arrived back in the safety of her quarters, Tori assumed they would follow the ritual of the day before. Closing the door and slipping off her shoes, she sat on the bed, grasping her pillow.

  This time, however, Eli hesitated, “I'm not sure I should sit on the bed with you. Maybe we should sit in chairs, or at least I should . . .” he allowed his words to fade as he spoke.

  Unsure how to take the change in his behavior, Tori blinked for a moment, then indicated her agreement by wafting her hand towards one of the empty seats. Eli took the closest one and sat in it next to her bed so that he could hear, but not in as compromising of a position.

  Tori first asked if he had any questions about what he had heard so far, and to her surprise he did ask for clarification on several points. Such as, had she ever been to town while the group lived in the camp? Tori explained that she had never been anywhere except the camp prior to their departure and the world had strictly been maps and pictures in books up to that point. She knew that it existed, but had never experienced any of it.

  “So you had a lot of books then?” he inquired next.

  “Oh yes,” Tori replied. “The guys would go into town at least once every other month or so to pick up supplies. They always brought back new books for me on those trips; books for lessons and for me to read.” Her appetite for the written word had been insatiable.

  Listening while she spoke, Eli noticed the book he had given her on the floor next to her bed, a slip of paper sticking out from the pages. A bookmark perhaps? The thought made him smile; maybe she liked my gift after all.

  “They had built a bookcase along one wall of the cabin to hold my collection,” she continued, “And it broke my heart when we left. I could choose only one to take with me, and after that, if I acquired a new book, the old one had to be left behind.”

  Her sadness apparent as she spoke, Eli only nodded, bracing himself emotionally to hear whatever she would tell him next.

  Tori had already decided to avoid being too graphic with Eli, and she hoped she would be able to stick to that plan. Picking up on the same day she left off with, she explained how Henry's best friend, Anthony Livingstone had stepped up to take his place since he had been forbidden to touch her.

  Of course, that had been an issue for Tori, as having lived with the group of men her entire life, there were a few of them she really did not like, Tony being one of them. Of course, it never occurred to her that the feeling could be mutual, and he only took care of her because Henry had asked him to.

  So basically, Tori sat in angry silence as Tony tended her wounds and helped her clean herself. The bite on her breast swollen and red, the deep puncture wounds made it easy to trace the outline of Eddie's mouth. After cleansing it, Tony covered it with a dressing so that she could wear the bra and other clothing that she had been given. Tony's face showed no sympathy as she gingerly washed her nether regions with the water he warmed for her. “You still got a lot to learn,” he muttered as he put the first aid kit away, tossing her clothes onto the table next to her.

  Eddie's Girl

  The Dragons spent three more days in their bush camp before hitting the road. Tori needed that time to become accustomed to her new role within the group, no longer the pupil, having graduated to intern. Tony made sure she wore all of the clothing she had been given, which felt constrictive and cumbersome as she donned the attire she had seen on the other Dragons for years.

  The boots felt like lead weights on her feet, and the leather jacket heavy across her shoulders. However, any remark she made in disagreemen
t over what they expected of her was handled with a heavy retribution and she quickly learned to be silent about her discomfort.

  Once she had been cleaned and appropriately dressed, Eddie announced he had a gift for her, and presented her with a long, flat and narrow, plain white box. Tori, feeling beaten but not broken, snatched the box from him and lifted the lid.

  Inside, there lay a silver six inch OTF switchblade knife with the letters T-O-R-I engraved in the handle. She stared blankly at the knife, her mind sifting through the training he had given her over the last couple of years, until she reached the part about knives, and she pushed the lever to watch the blade pop out the end, and then returned it to its hidden state.

  Eddie had taught her how to hold one, although her hand had been too clumsy to do a good job at the time. He had taught her anatomy and where to put the knife to be most effective depending on whether she wanted to wound or kill the person she attacked. She knew every major artery in the body and how to sever it with just such a weapon. Back then, she had never understood the purpose of those lessons.

  A cold chill ran through her under the hot afternoon sun as she realized they were actually expecting her to use the sharpened tool. Looking up at the circle of faces that had formed around her, the men had become strangers to her, their motives clear. Tori was no longer a child, and she would take her place among them whether she wanted to or not.

  Closing the box, she stepped through the ring and walked away from the camp, headed along the trail until she reached her favorite spot. Wearing the bulky clothes, she did not have the energy to make the climb, so she slumped down at the base of the tree, her back against the trunk, and stared down into the valley forest below.

  She wanted to cry, but the tears refused to come. Feeling the weight of the skin on her face, she sat in silence, not really thinking about anything. Eventually, Tony came up and dropped down on the ground beside her. She cut her eyes over to give him a menacing look, but said nothing.