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The Keeper Set - Summer Spirit Novellas 7 - 9 Page 8
The Keeper Set - Summer Spirit Novellas 7 - 9 Read online
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These two are lucky, Charlie continued to reminisce. Father has obviously done a good job preparing them for their arrival here. He hated to admit anything Father did was right, but sometimes it couldn’t be helped.
Returning his focus to the present, he could hear Karma’s lilting voice as she continued her welcome and instructions for the group. When she presented a toast, the glasses were raised; “Hear hear,” he agreed out loud. Then, sinking back into his own thoughts, he continued to ponder the changing dynamic within their walls.
There would be training to be done, and even more justice to be dispensed. And his baby!
Charlie didn’t think of his growing child often. He knew his protection would keep anyone else from picking up on the knowledge if he did, but he remained cautious. He no longer feared what Karma would say or do on the matter; his wife’s belly had begun to bulge, and he felt certain it had been noticed by the others who could see her form, even if they didn’t mention it. But, there were others to be considered; the Dark Angels for one thing.
Since his return from dealing with Brett, the teams were formed in groups of three. No one ventured out in pairs anymore, and certainly not alone, as protection against Fate’s minions.
“Where’s Dante?” Charlie suddenly blurted aloud, then back tracked. “Sorry, I didn’ mean to interrupt,” he offered, noting Karma’s disapproving glare. “I jus’ realized he’s not here,” he shrugged, with a meek grin.
“He’s still away on his latest mission,” Karma informed him, and the others, tartly. “Now, as I was saying, we will be setting up a rotation for the pair of you to begin your training. Charlie, you will be taking Alice, along with Kari. I will have a list of assignments for you in the morning; enough for a few weeks of in and out, where she can get a feel for our way of conducting business. The rest of you, I will have later tomorrow, so everyone get a good night’s sleep. Things are about to get busy around here,” she finished in a mystic whisper before she disappeared.
“Wow!” Steven observed as soon as she had gone. “Does she always pop in and out like that?”
“Yeah, mate,” Kari supplied before finishing off his libation. “You’ll get used to it, though.” Setting his glass back on the tray, he offered Lorren his hand. “Shall we enjoy the sunset together, my sweet?”
Curling her fingers between his, Lorren silently agreed to his request. Walking through the door at the far end, the young lovers moved to the atrium on the other side of the house.
“That looks like a great idea,” Alice giggled, taking Steven’s arm and pushing him to follow.
Deciding it was indeed time to call it a night, Charlie gathered Clarisse and whisked her away, arriving on their island as the sun began it’s decent into the ocean. Landing on their familiar platform, the pair embraced firmly. Exhaling a long sigh, Charlie ran his hand down her side, pressing his palm against her growing roundness. “Do you think Karma knows?”
“I’m not sure,” Clarisse confessed. “I wear my gown all the time now to try and hide it, so there is a chance she hasn’t noticed.”
Stepping back to admire the view, he grimaced. “Everything felt off tonight, in the way Steven and Alice were received. It was almost too easy. Even Phil behaved himself.”
“Maybe your mother is taking away some of his bitterness. At any rate, it wasn’t like that when I arrived,” the girl agreed, adding a bit more distance between them. “I think it felt… It felt fake, tonight.”
“Yeah,” he nodded, producing a chilled bottle of wine, then pausing, “Can you drink this? It’s bad for human babies.”
“I better not risk it. Apple juice would be nice, though,” she smiled encouragingly.
A glass of golden liquid appeared in his hand, which he presented to her with a full grin. “I’m happy about the baby. Don’ get me wrong, I was shocked when you told me, but I’m ready now.”
“Yes, I think we both are.” Clarisse took a sip of her beverage. “Maybe the reception felt different because they are happy to be in Purgatory. If you and I were not open to the idea, maybe it affected the way Karma and the others treated us; we resisted, and had to be… coerced… into taking our place.”
“That could be it,” he agreed, then polished off his full glass in one long swig. The glass disappeared from his hand and he grasped her more forcefully. “Forget it for now. Lay with me, an’ be my wife.”
“I am always your wife,” she cooed, melting into his embrace.
By the Fist
“We need t’ talk!” Charlie demanded loudly, presenting himself in Karma’s haven unannounced a few days later. Clarisse had a run in with a group of Dark Angels while out with a few of the others, and he wasn’t going to stand for it.
“About what, babe?” she smirked, surprised by his intrusion.
“You know what about!” he bellowed. “This cannot be allowed! They’ve gone too far, attacking us openly. Phil is no protection for Clarisse, an’ Steven’s just a kid. Gous an’ his deviant buddies didn’ even hesitate takin’ them on!”
“I know,” Karma raised her hand, attempting to calm him. “You’re over reacting, love. Clarisse is fine.”
“She isn’t fine!” Charlie hollered back, clenching his fists in rage. “She’s…,” he trailed away, stopping himself before he said any more.
“She’s what?” Karma’s patronizing voice prodded.
“She’s pregnant,” he breathed more calmly, the admission like a heavy weight dropping off his shoulders. “She’s carrying my child. Please don’ send her out there again; they can’t protect her, an’ I can’t risk losing her.” Seeing the smile twist his benefactor’s lips, he challenged, “You knew; you knew all along, but you still put her in harm’s way.”
“Yes, I knew,” Karma replied with a small nod. “She wasn’t in any danger, Charlie. I have watched over your mate; no real harm would have come to her.”
“Why didn’ you say anything? If you suspected, why let us think it was a secret?”
“I assumed you would tell me when you were ready. The only other member of our group who can see her has been away on his mission. Since the others would have no way of knowing, I played along with your silence.”
“You’ve been using her as bait, somehow. Sending her out to see who is responsible for resisting us. Tell me I’m wrong!” Charlie demanded angrily.
“You’re not wrong,” Karma turned her back on him, opening one of her window screens. “I would never let anyone hurt her, love. Her child is very important to our realm.”
Stunned, he stared at the back of her head. “It is?”
“Remember what I told you about my own children, Destiny and Fate? It’s been that long since one of us has carried a child; over five millennia since their birth, and all that has happened since,” she supplied, her voice subdued, as if in pain.
“Their birth?” Charlie stammered, turning his palms to the ceiling in exasperation. “Karma, you said you an’ Keeper created them. They weren’t born.”
“I wasn’t completely honest about that,” she squirmed. “I… I did carry them. They are my children.” Anger seized her, and her body grew tense as it filled her, transforming her hair into a fiery mass of hot red waves. “Keeper stole my babies from me!” Spinning, she faced him, her eyes glowing green embers of rage.
“I’ve never seen you like this,” he whispered. “Not this angry. Tell me, an’ don’ lie! What really happened with the twins?”
“Exactly that,” Karma spit through gritted teeth. “We escaped our world and came here. We found this one to be perfect for our needs. We started a family, only as soon as they were born, things changed between Keeper and I. Not right away; not all at once. But over time, a wall grew up between us.” Hurt filled her voice as she continued. “They were all that he wanted; all that he needed to complete his plan. As soon as they were old enough to take their place in it, I was discarded; banished here, to Purgatory.”
Charlie watched as a tear spilled over and r
olled down her cheek. He had never seen such emotion in the woman before him. “I’m sorry for what they did to you.”
“As am I,” she raised her chin defiantly. “I don’t know what Keeper has promised you,” she seethed. “Whatever it is, you can be assured you won’t have it. Once he has you; has your babe in his grasp, you will see his lies for what they are.”
Taken aback, Charlie shook his head slowly. “Karma, I don’t know what to say.”
“What could you say? What would it change if you knew?” she inhaled deeply, calming herself. Lighting the screen, she offered scenes from around the globe. Vast oceans raced past, as if he were a bird flying over them, surfing just above the waves. Majestic mountains presented themselves, with white peaks of bright white snow, followed with wide open fields of green grass and clear blue sky.
“This is what we are fighting for,” she informed him stiffly. “This perfect world that we discovered. His plan was flawed; keeping the balance has allowed the humans to infest every corner of it. He must be brought down and this infestation removed.”
“How are you gonna beat him?” Charlie breathed in a terrified whisper.
“We are going to defeat him,” she declared, shaking a fist at the screen as cities came into focus. Crowded streets filled with people and cars could be seen between tall buildings. “I’ve always needed you, Charlie; I’m sure you realize that.”
“Yes,” he agreed, standing up straighter, burying his misgivings about what would become of the humans in the epic fight for their home. “So, you will protect my wife and child? No harm will come t’ them?”
“I promise their safety,” she stated firmly, darkening the screen and dropping the curtain into place with a wave of her hand. “Keeper will not be allowed to complete his plan. Once my house is full, we will have the power to combine the planes; the old magic will be broken. The humans will know of us, and we will establish our dominance over them.”
“What is his plan exactly,” Charlie squirmed. “He’s been collecting Angels for a long time. He has a pouch full of them.”
“Yes, plus all the ones who have yet to be rifted,” she agreed. “He will collect them all in one giant sweep. They will simply disappear from existence, leaving the humans with massive holes in their lives. Mothers, daughters; fathers and sons, gone in an instant. Not stolen away, bit by bit as they are now.”
“Raptured,” Charlie breathed. “That’s what you’re talking about! Like in the bible, two men walking side by side; one disappears an’ one’s left in bewilderment, not knowing where he went!”
“Exactly,” Karma sighed. “If the planes remain divided, they will simply disappear. We need to bring it down before that can happen.”
“Where will he take them?” Charlie demanded gruffly.
“I’m not sure where he has chosen,” she supplied. “He has another planet selected, I’m sure of it.”
“But you don’t want him to take them?”
“No, he can’t take them!” she screamed. “This is our world! We found it, we nurtured it! The humans have all but destroyed it with their pollution and wars!”
“Then you wish to share it with the humans, openly.”
A devious grin curled her mouth into an odd pucker. “Yes, Charlie. We will share it with them, once they have been thinned to an acceptable number.”
Studying her, he could tell her vision of the future held grave consequences for both sides. “I have given my word to help you,” he informed her softly. “I have no promises from Keeper that I am expectin’ him to keep. Protect my family, an’ we will do what we must, I swear it.” Not waiting for her reply, Charlie removed himself from the structure. Transporting to his own haven on the beach, his wife anxiously awaited his arrival.
“Did you talk to her?” Clarisse squealed as soon as he materialized.
“Yeah, I did,” he nodded vigorously. “She already knew about the baby, like we suspected. An’ she’s got big plans for all of us; as does Keeper.”
“What are we going to do?” she sobbed, clinging to his arm as they sank down to sit on the warm sand side by side.
“We wait, an’ we play along. But I have t’ tell you, I don’ like her vision of the future, baby. An’ I’m not too sure I care for his, either. He wants to remove all the angels; snatch them away an’ simply… move on. Karma on the other hand wants to free all the Angels from Keeper’s prison, an’ use them to take over the world. Humans would become their slaves, best I can tell.”
“They are already slaves, from the looks of it,” Clarisse sighed.
“Yeah. We’re faced with two bad choices, love; but I’m still lookin’ for a better way. A world ruled by the fist is no place to raise a family.”
“With that, I have to agree,” Clarisse whispered, wiping at her tears.
“Don’ cry, baby,” he swiped her cheek gently. “We have each other, an’ we’re gonna make it. I would fight with all that I am t’ protect you.”
Clarisse nodded, a small smile flittering across her lips; “I know you would, Charlie.”
Keeper of Lies
“Karma, I think he will be our strongest addition yet!” Dante announced loudly, addressing the group on the eve of his return to the compound. He had brought a new member for her to consider, but by the look on her face, she did not need convincing.
“Excellent work,” their mistress praised, raising her glass to her favorite servant in a toast. “Everyone have a seat, and let us dine in celebration!” Setting the tables with a magnificent feast of roast beef and vegetables, as they now filled almost all of the chairs, Karma took her place at the head of the table closest to the window. The setting sun to her left, she appeared pleased at their growing number.
Choosing to sit on the far end, facing her rather than beside her, Charlie’s anger smoldered. If he had needed proof that Karma’s opinion of Keeper was accurate, it had been delivered. Scarcely two weeks after the attack focused on Clarisse had taken place, a Dark Angel sat beside him, and not just any Dark Angel at that.
Slipping into the magical plane, Charlie glowered at his plate. To his right sat his beloved; across from her and to his left, Fate’s Minion. “What are you doing here?” he hissed at the stranger, keeping is voice low.
“Eating, what does it look like?” Banthar replied coyly.
Staring at the newest member, Clarisse shuddered.
“It’s ok, baby,” Charlie soothed.
“Yes, baby,” the Dark Angel parroted. “I have not come to harm you.”
“I’m sure,” she replied, licking her lips anxiously. “I know who you are!” She kept her voice low, aware that a few in their company could hear, including Karma.
“Oh?” Banthar’s sharp teeth chewed at a chunk meat, and he gulped from his glass to wash it down. “This is very tasty, ma’am,” he addressed their hostess warmly. “First meal I’ve enjoyed in eons.”
Karma only smiled, continuing to observe the discussion without taking part.
“I know you, too,” Charlie frowned deeply. The creature next to him bore a strong resemblance to Gous; dark skin, glowing red eyes, sharp white teeth, and pointed ears. But the subtle differences were there. “You attacked me, when I walked among the Angels. You, Gous, and another,” he accused.
His movements slowed, Banthar studied him closely. Enjoying a few more bites before he replied, he stated calmly, “You remember, even after your return to the living. I see your power is strong, as you cross the planes at will.”
“Yes,” Charlie hissed, “I am strong. Whatever your purpose here, you won’t succeed.”
“My purpose here is to serve the house of Karma,” Banthar growled more loudly. His long fingers clutching his fork, the sharp tips of his nails scraped against one another.
“You were in Keeper’s prison,” Charlie accused. “Why did he let you out?”
A deep rumble of laughter emerged from the creature’s throat. “Trust you no one, minion?”
“Charlie, Bant
har is our guest; I would expect you to treat him as such,” Karma rebuked firmly. “However, I should warn you,” she addressed his adversary, “I do not allow fighting inside my walls. The two of you will behave, or both of you will feel my wrath.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Banthar quickly agreed, giving Charlie a dubious glare.
Charlie’s lips curled into a sneer. She had given he and Dante the same warning, and they eventually became friends. He doubted that would be the case with this one. “I’m not gonna start anything,” he countered, mentally adding, but I have no problem finishing it.
Enduring the rest of the meal in silence, Clarisse and Charlie abandoned the house and fled to their bed as soon as they were able. Stretching out across the blankets, the girl covered her face with her hands and wept.
Scooting up beside her, Charlie ran his hand over her rounded belly, sensing the life within, growing more certain each day that he would have a son. Sliding the appendage up to her face, he caught her fingers and pushed them aside. “Look at me, love,” he implored. “We’re safe. We’re home.”
“Yes, but for how long?” she sniffled, tears running down her temple and disappearing into her golden hair.
“That I can’t say,” he confessed. “I wish that we could stay here. That we could turn this into a real fortress, with protection strong enough that no one could get in without our permission.”
“But we have to go back; back to Purgatory. We can’t stay here forever, and you know it.”
“For now, that’s true,” he pushed himself up to sit on the pliable surface. Brushing strands out of her face that were caught against her damp flesh, his heart melted. “I love you so much, Clarisse. I swear I’ll find a way through this. Please don’ give up!”
“I won’t,” she exhaled loudly. “I’m just scared. There are thirteen of us now. That number has always been a bad omen.”
“We’re fourteen counting Karma,” he corrected.