The Keeper Set - Summer Spirit Novellas 7 - 9 Read online

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  “As if that were any better. You know her house will be full when we hit sixteen. Whatever is going to happen, it will be then.”

  “How do we know? Why can’t it be twenty? Or thirty? How do you know she only needs sixteen t’ do… whatever it is she’s gonna do?”

  “The tables, in the dining room. Two tables, eight chairs each, sixteen spots. The beds, upstairs. Four rooms, four beds each, sixteen spots. That’s the magic number, Charlie; I’m sure of it.”

  “Hmp,” he grunted. “If that’s so, she’s getting very close, then. What I don’t understand is why she let a Dark Angel in.”

  “She let a Light Angel in, why wouldn’t she take a Dark one?” the girl quibbled. A moment later her mouth dropped open and she gasped. “Oh, no, Charlie! Do you remember what Gous said? When he pursued me; he said a Light Angel mated with a Dark Angel would be an unstoppable pair!”

  “So what,” Charlie slipped off the side of the bed to stand, running his hands through his dark brown waves. “You’re my wife. Karma promised you to me, an’ I doubt she would go back on her word.”

  “What makes you think that she won’t?” she sniffed.

  “She needs me, too,” he stated flatly. “But I’m beginning t’ suspect that the ones she’s bringing in aren’t random. She needs a specific group of people to accomplish her goal. A Summer Angel, a Dark Angel. Hell, Father may even be a part o’ her house, an’ we jus’ don’ know it yet!”

  “Or our baby.”

  Her voice small, he had barely heard her. “What did you say?” he pivoted to stare at her.

  Sliding off the opposite side to keep the bed between them, Clarisse straightened to her full height. “I said, she may be intending to use our child as one of the sixteen.”

  Staring at her as if she were a stranger, his eyes grew wide. “Why would you even think that?”

  “I don’t know. It seems logical.”

  “No, Karma wouldn’t do that. Besides, she said that Keeper is the one that needs our baby. That’s why he keeps coming back t’ me, t’ recruit me. So I’ll trust him an’ he can use us somehow.”

  “Keeper would never do that,” Clarisse bit angrily. “He’s a good man and a fine leader!”

  “Keeper’s a liar,” Charlie shot back. “Come on, Clarisse! He throws people in prison an’ then turns them out on a whim, whenever it suits him. You’ve seen his prison? Do you have any idea where it is?”

  “I was there,” her jaw tightened. “I saw it first hand,” she reminded him bluntly.

  “Yeah, that’s not what I meant. I mean, have you seen the outside of it; would you even recognize it if you did?”

  Considering his words, Clarisse toyed with her gown, then ran her hands over her stomach. “No, I can’t say that I have. Do you know where it is?”

  “It’s on his belt,” Charlie replied smugly. “That sack he wears around his waist. It’s filled with those gems; diamonds, sapphires, rubies. Trapped inside each one is an Angel. Don’t you remember when he showed them to us?” He felt shocked she had forgotten, as if she didn’t want to see any wrong in her hero, even obvious treachery and deceit.

  “That can’t be right,” she shook her head, her long locks shimmering in the firelight. “Why would he put them there and then carry them around?”

  “To protect them, to keep them safe? Who’s gonna try t’ take them away from him?” Charlie chortled. “Keeper is the greatest of the Light Angels – your words. The greatest of ‘em all, I’m guessing. Karma may be awesome, but she can’t stand up t’ him on her own. If she could, she woulda done it a long time ago.”

  “No,” Clarisse, shook her long mane, fresh tears spilling down her cheeks. “Keeper, and Father… they love me. They would never do anything to hurt me.”

  His gut twisted, Charlie sighed. Walking through the bed, he reached her. “Don’ cry, love. I’m sure you believe that, but I can’t take the risk o’ sharing that… fantasy.”

  “It’s not a fantasy, Charlie,” her bottom lip quivered.

  Slipping his hand under her chin, he raised her mouth to his and kissed her firmly. “Forget this,” he whispered. “Let me worry about the rough stuff, an’ you keep focusing on you an’ the baby.”

  “The baby,” she grinned briefly, her hand returning to feel for its presence within her.

  “Yeah,” he smiled as well, kissing her again and drawing her towards their bed.

  His hands strong and sure, he moved them over her, removing her clothing and pulling her on top of him. He loved her growing curves, and adored making love to her, even more so with her changing form. His own bare flesh pressed against the blanket, the weight of her as she sprawled over him calmed his nerves and forced the dark forces that clouded his thoughts back into the recesses of his mind.

  Charlie ran his fingers through her golden cascade as it showered down around him. Soothed by the richness of her scent, he lost all conscious thought, drifting in the joy of making love to his bride.

  Dante’s Deception

  “Dante, I need to see you and Charlie for a moment, please,” Karma called from her office door. Her words carrying across the tops of the cubicles, Charlie paused for a moment, then stood to look around, finding most of the space deserted.

  Dante’s area next to his, on the opposite aisle from that which separated him from Lorren, he also stood. Their eyes meeting briefly, he exited his workspace and paused next to Charlie. “Any idea what this is about?” he queried, seeing that Karma had already returned to her desk through the glass wall of her office.

  “Not a clue,” the younger male shrugged. “A lot of crazy stuff has been goin’ on while you were away.”

  “Yes, I kept in contact with Karma telepathically throughout my mission, so I’m aware of the events, thanks,” Dante informed him, seeming less friendly since his return.

  Stunned, Charlie’s jaw dropped for a moment at the realization that Karma had sent Dante on his quest. In fact, he wouldn’t be surprised if she had requested Banthar’s presence in Purgatory by name. I suspected that she needs specific people, he thought to himself, and that all but proves it!

  “Be sure to close the door and have a seat, hun,” Karma requested sweetly, indicating the chairs across from her when they entered.

  “What’s going on,” Charlie asked cautiously, on edge at her demeanor.

  “I have another mission for you,” Karma nodded at Dante, “And I want you to take Charlie along this time.”

  “We’re not forming a team of three?” Charlie challenged. “I thought we’d decided it was safer t’ travel as a trio rather than a pair.”

  “Charlie, you are my two strongest men,” she laughed back. “If the two of you can’t handle a bit of Dark Angel meddling, then my whole operation is in serious trouble.”

  Flushing slightly, he sank down in his chair and grumbled, “I see your point. So, what is it you need us t’ do?” His mind flashed back to the first mission they had shared, where they had destroyed a compound filled with terrorists using their own explosive devices. He smiled for a moment, then wiped the expression away and focused on Karma’s red-stained lips as she spoke.

  “This is highly sensitive,” she stated calmly, tapping the desk in front of her with her long nails. “And it is vital that you are successful. Charlie, I want you to recruit your father to join us. I know you’ve seen -”

  “My father!” he interrupted her. “Are you crazy? Dad’s not gonna join us! He’s completely loyal to Keeper!”

  “Perhaps you can find a way to persuade him. Maybe the thought of being close to his grandchild will do the trick.”

  “Grandchild!” Dante cut in, glaring at the man next to him. “I thought Clarisse was your mate?”

  “She is,” Charlie stammered, then drew a deep breath. “I guess you haven’t seen her yet, but yeah; we’re expecting a baby in the next few months.”

  His eyes wide, Dante turned to Karma in disbelief. “How? I thought the twins were the last of our ki
nd to be conceived naturally.”

  “They were,” Karma shrugged, “but now there will be a new generation. I’m hopeful that this conception means that we have regained the ability and there will be many more.”

  “I can’t ask him t’ come here,” Charlie returned to the topic at hand. “First off, I don’ know where he is; an’ secondly, he didn’ seem too happy that I was workin’ for you when we met last time.”

  Puckering her lips, Karma considered the situation. “You’ve been practicing your searches, haven’t you?”

  “Yeah, but it doesn’t always work. An’ what if he’s back in Keeper’s prison?”

  “I don’t think that he is. My sources say that he has been returned to duty by Destiny,” she informed him with a small grin, “but that gives me another idea. I think we should turn this into a threesome after all. Take Clarisse with you; her obvious condition will be more convincing than just informing him that she’s expecting. She has a Seeker, and that will allow you to find him more easily, which removes that obstacle as well.”

  “A threesome,” Charlie scoffed, cutting his eyes over at Dante, daring him to comment on her word choice.

  “Hey, don’t look at me,” his companion grinned, holding up his hands in mock surrender. “Ok, Karma, we got this. Get your wife and meet me in the atrium in an hour; we’ll leave from there,” he commanded, assuming he would be in charge of the team as they completed the task.

  Leaving them, Charlie mentally located his wife in her bedroom and transported to her side. Lying in her bed, she appeared at perfect peace, and he watched for several minutes, hating to disturb her. “Hey, baby,” he called gently, eventually while reaching out to touch her as she dozed.

  “What’s wrong?” she demanded, sitting up hurriedly. “Am I needed? Where’s Phil?”

  “You’re not goin’ with Phil,” he informed her with a grimace. “Karma’s sending you out with Dante an’ me.”

  “With you!” she squealed, turning to put her feet on the floor. Holding her arm out, she allowed him to help her stand. “She’s never permitted us to work together!”

  “Well, don’ get too excited,” he scowled, “she’s sending us to recruit my dad.”

  “Your dad! John? Why would she want him?” her voice grew shrill.

  “I have no idea why, I only know that she does, an’ she thinks our baby’ll be enough to convince him t’ switch sides,” he sighed.

  “I see,” Clarisse agreed, moving closer and sliding her arms around her mate.

  “Yeah, so we’ll try. We need to meet Dante downstairs in the atrium here in a few minutes. Do you need anything before we go?”

  “No, I’m fine,” she stood up strait and smoothed her dress over her bump, refreshed by her nap. “Go down, and I’ll be there in a moment.”

  Taking his leave of her, Charlie arrived in the corner room that faced Karma’s barn. Stepping up to the glass, he stared out at the sun making its slow climb into the heavens. Leaning his head back and closing his eyes, he mentally reached out, hoping to find some inkling of where his father might be.

  “You ready?” Dante interrupted the search.

  “Jus’ waiting on Clarisse,” he informed him, holding his position. “How are you at mental searches?”

  “Not great,” Dante chuckled. “That’s one of the most difficult things we can do, or attempt to do. Even Karma isn’t perfect at it.”

  “I wonder how good Keeper is,” Charlie smirked, pulling his head up and blinking rapidly. Looking at the other man, he considered again that he seemed distant since his return. He had thought of them as friends before, but he couldn’t be sure it had remained so, and he wondered what had precipitated the change.

  “I’m ready,” Clarisse announced, joining them in the bright space.

  “Good. Karma says you have a locator,” Dante informed her. “Let’s see it.”

  “A Seeker,” Charlie corrected with a half grin.

  Her eyes flicking between them for a moment in hesitation, Clarisse lifted her left hand and opened it flat. On it appeared a small white rectangular device, similar in form to a cellphone. Touching the screen, she made a few choices and observed the results.

  Closing her hand a few minutes later, her connection to the Summer Angels disappeared. Offering each of them one of her appendages, she stated matter-of-factly, “I have a good place to start; it might be better if I handled the travel.”

  In silent agreement, each of the men grasped a set of fingers and instantly they were transported to a crowded commuter train.

  Arriving at the far end in a small group, the trio remained in the magical plane. “He’s here?” Charlie inquired, dropping his wife’s hand and making his way through the crowd. Passing effortlessly through the mass of bodies, they came to the connection to the next car. Moving through the walls, they joined the next compartment.

  “I think that he is. I’m fairly certain Destiny has reinstated him as a Summer Angel,” Clarisse informed him.

  “Yes, that’s what Karma believes as well,” Dante agreed.

  “Where are we?” Charlie demanded, looking around as the train pulled in to the next station. “Is this Chicago?”

  “As a matter of fact, it is,” a male voice interrupted their conversation. “Charlie, what in Destiny are you doing here?”

  Turning to find his father, he gasped; “Dad!”

  “Hi, son!” John’s features morphed into a wide smile. Pushing forward, he clamped his boy on the back with a firm hug. “I guess you’ve got more questions?”

  “You might call it that,” Charlie matched his grin, cocking his head to the side. “Dad, this is my friend, Dante. An’ this,” he indicated the girl by sliding his arm around her, “is my wife, Clarisse.”

  His face frozen, the older man’s shock evident, he grunted, “Your wife?” Shaking his head slightly, he demanded, “Aren’t you Donna?”

  “I… was Donna,” Clarisse stammered. “Well, I took Donna’s body after she died.” Offering her hand, it hung in the air for a moment before John accepted it. “It’s a long story, John. One I’d like to share when we have time.”

  “I see,” he dropped the appendage and glanced between the trio’s faces, looking each of them in the eye for a moment. Back on Clarisse, he lowered his gaze to her round belly. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were expecting. But that would be a rude presumption, wouldn’ it? Especially considering our predicament as far as procreation.”

  “It wouldn’t be rude at all,” Clarisse beamed, running her hand around her bump to press her dress against her flesh, accentuating it perfectly. “Charlie and I are going to be parents.”

  His brown orbs flashing to meet Charlie’s, John gasped, “How the hell did you do that?”

  “I don’t really know,” his son shrugged, then chuckled, “I mean, I know how we… I mean…” His face flushed, he cleared his throat and tried again, “We’re not sure why we were able to conceive. Karma’s hoping it’s a sign that the Angels will be able t’ have children again, on their own.”

  “Karma,” John replied, his brow furrowing, “I’d hoped you had gotten away from her, son.”

  “No, he hasn’t,” Dante cut in, “and he isn’t going to. We’ve come to recruit you as well,” he stated gruffly while clamping the older man on the shoulder. “It’s time to come home, John.”

  “Home!” he broke free with a violent yank of his arm as Charlie also protested with a sharp cry.

  “Karma is not my master, an’ it’s blasphemy for you t’ say that she is!” John practically shouted.

  “Wait, dad!” Charlie cut in, giving Dante a nasty glare. “He shouldn’t have made it sound like that. You don’ have t’ come if you don’ want to. We’re jus’ here to ask you to join us. The baby’ll be here soon, an’ I’d sure like t’ have you around when he does,” he grinned, adding “Grandpa,” in a quieter tone.

  “Yes, John,” Clarisse also implored. “I have watched over Charlie since he was
born. Your family, and now my family, is very important to me.” She raised her left arm offering her hand to him. “It’s your choice, of course. We must always have choice,” she breathed, “but we would love to have you with us.”

  Looking at them again in turn, John studied each of their faces, as if searching for some deeper meaning to their visit. Nodding at Dante, he stated flatly, “Well, at least you’re honest about it. I’m sure this was Karma’s idea.”

  “You bet it was,” Dante shot back, not missing a beat. “And you’d do well to heed her request,” he warned.

  “Can I have some time to think about it? At least let me feel like I have a choice?” he addressed his son, then glanced at the girl. She smiled at him brightly, still holding her hand out to him. Raising his own appendage, he took her fingers in his for a moment. Bobbing his head more forcefully, he sighed. “I’ve been remembering my life, this last time I lived as a human. I had begun t’ suspect an Angel’s hand in some of it.”

  “Yes,” she agreed, giving him a squeeze. “I have been your guardian, John. A task of love and pride.”

  “Give me three days. I’ll meet you at the beach in Miami an’ give you my decision,” he announced loudly, releasing her as he spoke.

  “Yes, sir,” Charlie smiled broadly. “We’ll see you there.” Taking his wife’s right hand, Dante grasped the left, and Clarisse transported the trio back to Purgatory in an instant.

  Momma’s Arms

  “Wow, that was easier than I thought it would be!” Dante announced loudly when they had materialized in the atrium.

  “Easier?” Karma greeted them, getting straight to the point. “So, where is he?”

  “He wanted time to think about it,” Charlie explained. “He’s going to meet us in three days an’ give us his decision.”

  Crossing her arms over her chest, Karma glared at him. “And you allowed him to make that choice?”

  “Yes, we did,” Clarisse informed her. “There must always be choice.”

  Cutting her glare over at the girl, the tightness of her jaw made Karma’s feelings on the subject clear. “Then you should hope he comes along quietly next time. Of course, now he will be able to inform Keeper of your condition.”